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Flapjack was my first palisman, he was my first friend, he played a huge part in my life, and he saved it too. Flapjack helped me find more people who would help me get to the right path, he helped me find freedom. Without his help, I never would have trusted anyone, I never would have met some of my closest friends, I never would have gotten away from the emperors coven, I never would have known freedom. Flapjack was a red cardinal palisman, he had a scar over his right eye, and he was previously owned by Caleb Whittebane. I met flapjack when I was on a mission to collect palisman for Belos. Kikimora attempted to sabotage my mission and probably kill me as well. The airship I was on had crashed, Luz (now my sister) found me and helped me get away from Kikimora. We formed a truce. I learned about glyphs, and I heard about freedom. It's been a while, but I believe I remember this: I talked about how my role as the golden guard was important and an honor. Luz said something along the lines of: at least you've got your future figured out for you. And I said: at least you can figure out your own. I believe that in that moment of expressing my need for choosing my own path and for freedom, is when flapjack connected with me. At first I was... apprehensive about having a palisman, it was after all, against the rules. But flapjack was there for me, no matter what I did, he was there to support me. I learned how to fight with a real staff, not some artificial magic bull. 

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