Where my memories started

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When I was 4, I woke up in a bed in a room in the healing coven, (this was when almost everyone was in a coven, and people who were not were seen as criminals) I was told that my name was Hunter, and that I had been found nearly dead, in a town that had been destroyed, I was told that my parents died in the destruction of the town, which was supposedly enacted by wild witches (witches that weren't in a coven) which I doubt, the man who had supposedly "saved me" was the emperor Belos. He told me that he was my uncle, which was half true considering he was the brother of the person that I was a clone of. 

The lies that I had believed for most of my life, started as soon as I woke up. The minute I opened my eyes, I was being manipulated. I was made to be a soldier, pretty much as soon as I seemed healthy, I was put into basic scout training, which included basic agility, martial arts, and obstacle courses of increased difficulty. Soon after that, I had graduated to more difficult training, witch duels on the regular, mazes full of traps, and being left on the top of a with the mission to get down alive. I of course, had no idea that all of this brutal training was unordinary.

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