So, grimwalkers

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Just a little bit of information about myself: I was made when covens were still a thing, I'm a clone of a 16th century human. I used to be something called a golden guard, which was the right hand man of the emperor. 

When I was around sixteen years old, I found out that I was something called a grimwalker. "What is a grimwalker?" You might ask, a grimwalker is an (almost) clone of a deceased person. Grimwalkers are not born in the same way a witch, demon, or humans are. Grimwalkers are made, they are assembled like machines. All grimwalkers are made of the same basic materials, palistrom wood for keratin, selkidomus scales for skin, stone sleeper lungs, a galderstone for a heart, and the bone of whoever you're a clone of. (Please do not use this to make a grimwalker, you'll give them an existential crisis) once a grimwalkers are assembled, the ingredients become natural flesh, (no, you cannot peel back a grimwalker's skin and see palistrom wood, I tried it on myself, it was excruciating.)

(The bone a grimwalker is made from can largely impact the way they form and how similar they are to the ortet. I was made from the skull, which is why I am a spitting image of the person I am a clone of.) 

All grimwalkers have deep red/ magenta eyes. Most grimwalkers have very similar features to the ortet(person they are a clone of) I would assume that grimwalkers have the same skin colors as their ortet, but the only known examples are grimwalkers of Caleb whittebane and he was a pretty pale guy. 

The term "Grimwalkers" is derived from Grim, like death or grave, and walker, which is like, walking dead, cause that's what we are... there are old folktales about grimwalkers being shapeshifters that will take your place if you misbehaved, which is honestly hurtful. It was a story that parents made up to get their children to behave. 

I have taken a project upon myself to find, learn the history, and give a proper funeral to every grimwalker. This is still an ongoing project, I might write a book about all the grimwalkers, I don't know.

Before I talk about the grimwalkers, I have to talk about the ortet. An ortet is the person that a grimwalkers is made of. The average human and witch body has 206 bones, meaning that 206 grimwalkers can be made from one person. I am the 200th grimwalker that Belos made. He had five more in the ground. Most grimwalkers are made as adults, but I was made to be younger, so that I was easier to manipulate.

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