Chapter 14

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Athena Pov:
We are doing the best we can to find our  Buck. Bobby told me they told the kids about the situation and how they kinda tool it well, May did cuss but I'm gonna let it slide as well because I understand how she feel about him and she is 17 so it makes sense. At first we thought it was his parents but Maddie was sure it wasn't them because if it were they would have made her suffer by recording them torturing him sent it to her. Plus we found out they're still in jail anyway. We are still digging and we can't find anything, well I thought we couldn't. "Athena we found something." My boss shouted. I hurry up and ran toward her. "What is it? Who is it?" I asked. "We believe it was his ex lawyer Chase Mackey, he was very pissed that Buck dropped the charges against your husband and the team." She explained. That's when I thought of something "OMG, you're right. How I didn't think that?" I ask myself. "Buck told me how after Chase used their personal information against them he went off on him. Chase didn't care, all he care about was giving Buck the money but Buck didn't want the money, all he wanted was to get his job back. Chase said 'you will regret wasting my time'. Buck didn't see it as a threat. Hell I didn't see as a threat too." I explained, then we started searching more. I called Bobby to let him you what is going on.
Third Pov: (Kids thoughts is in Italics while the adults thoughts are in Bold/ Italics)
When Bobby got the phone called from Athena he was pissed the fuck off. "What did she?" Eddie ask panicking. "Her boss figure out who took him. It was Chase Mackey the lawyer from the lawsuit. Apparently he was not happy about Buck dropping the charges and even tried paying more money. But all Buck wanted was his job back. Chase told Buck he would regret wasting his time." He explained to everyone. Everyone gasped and started to worry but not to much because of the kids.
Bobby- Oh, how if I was ready to let Buck come back, he wouldn't have felt the need to go to that lawyer. I just know Athena will find our son and he will comes back home.
Maddie- I'm so glad they found out who did this. Chase Mackey you are the one who is going to regret every messing with my little brother. I'm so making sure Buck doesn't try anything to himself. If he thought I was being overprotective before just wait until he comes back. I'm not leaving his side, at least until I go home then I will called, no FaceTime him.
Eddie-  Mi Amor, they will find you and bring you back to us. I can't lose again, we just got back on good term. Chris need you too. I love you Buck, and when you come back I will tell you how I feel.
Hen-  Buckaroo you are everything and we need you here. I just know you will find your way back to us.
Chimney- Poor Buck, can't get break. I'm trying my best to help Maddie but I can also feel tears coming down. I'm trying to think of something to distract myself but I can't. I even tried making a joke about how last year, it was Maddie who was kidnapped and now this year it is Buck who kidnapped but that didn't last long because in both situations I'm involved. I know Maddie and Buck don't blame me for befriended Doug because I didn't know it was him but still I do. And this situation, if we never treated Buck like that none this would happen. At least I hope it wouldn't. I miss him, but if I know Buck it is that he will survive.
May-  I knew mom and her team would figure out who is behind this. Now we wait for them to find him. Chase Mackey you are going to rot in hell for this.
Harry- I'm so happy Mom found out who did this now the bad guy can go to jail and Buck can come home.
Denny-  I saw Mama Hen relaxed a little when we found out who is behind this. She is still cuddling with Mommy Karen, I know she blames herself, Mommy told her it is not her fault. I blame Chase for this, one for Kidnapping my uncle and two for having my Mama blame herself.
Chris- I heard that it is this Chase guy who have my Bucky. I saw Daddy mad and sad, I went over there to hugged him. I told him how Bucky is not leaving us again and he will come back.

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