Chapter 7

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Buck Pov: (their are going to be 2 pov here first Buck then 3rd pov)
As I go in today I'm prepare to do pretty much anything because I already know what I might do anyway. I walk in there and I see Bobby headed my way, "Hey Buck get ready in gear, you are going with us today." I must have not heard that right. He letting me go in the field today. "Ok, sir thank you." I know he is still mad at me but I feel like I should still thank him. As I'm getting ready I called my therapist. (B=Buck, I=Dr.Smith) "Hey, Dr.Smith guess what?" "What? What happen?" He asked in a panic voice. "Bobby is letting me on a called today. I know he is still mad me but baby step." "That is very good Buck. I am so happy for you and I just know Dr.Copeland would be too. Speaking of her good news she wasn't murder." "That is good to hear. I will let you more this Saturday ok. I have to get going before Bobby change is mind."
Third Pov:
After Buck hung up he went upstairs and sat by himself and listened to music. Meanwhile, with the team, Bobby, Hen and Eddie were talking when Chimney came running to them. What Buck didn't know was that Chimney was there the whole time. He told the other 3 what happen, he knew he shouldn't but he not really good at keeping secrets. "Ok, so he do know that we are still mad at him but he doesn't care or what?" Hen asked confused. Eddie refused to believe that Buck doesn't care, if he really care about them he wouldn't have did what he did. They didn't have anymore time to talk as the bell went off. Now they are in the truck on the way to helped. "The dispatch said that it is an rape victim trying to kill herself." Bobby told everyone. Nobody saw Buck flinched at that. The firefighters get there and immediately try talking the woman out of it. "Don't try to tell me you guys understand, you will NEVER understand." She yelled out. Bobby sigh not knowing what to do. But then Buck grabbed the megaphone and started speaking. "I know what you going through." The victim laugh at that "yea right, you're just saying that." Buck sigh but continue talking anyway. "You see that right their is how I know what you are going through. People believe that someone like me can never get rape, grope etc. But it happen. The first time was when I came out to my parents as bisexual and my dad had a woman come rape the gay out at me. And that continue until I lie and said that I was straight. Then when I started being addicted to sex a couple of years ago, I went to see a therapist who knew what I was going through but took advantage of me anyway. Eventually I found another therapist who was the best but then she died a couple of days ago but I have her friend as my new therapist. I can talk to him to get you a female therapist if you come down for me." He explained. After that the woman came down shocked about Buck. That goes for everyone too as well. Eddie, Bobby, Hen and Chimney all thought about Buck, Maddie and Athena, that right there was when they regret treating him like that. That was only the beginning of what Buck went through. As for the woman her and Buck talk to Dr.Smith who said that he would look for a female therapist. When the team went back inside the truck they all look at Buck with sympathy. "Buck, I-" Bobby try talking but Buck cut him off. "Look, I know you guys are sorry and want to know more about my past so how about after work at Bobby and Athena I explained everything to guys." They all agree with that, Buck then just look outside the window and felt kinda at peace that he let it all out. Of course he told his therapist this but that different same goes for Maddie and Athena but actually telling it in public especially with his team there, it felt really good and sad at the same time.

Buddie (Buck x Eddie) 9-1-1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt