Chapter 6

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Bobby Pov:
I have been thinking about what been going on for the past couple of weeks and it's just all crazy. I also been thinking about Buck, I do kinda miss him but the other hand I'm still mad at him. Ugh, whatever I'm not going to stress over this. As I get home, I see Buck jeep outside and when I walk in, I see him hanging out with May and Harry. I walk over to Athena, who is outside and ask her "what is he doing here?" She looked annoyed from my question. "He is here because I invited him. The kids miss him, in case you forgot, those are mine and Micheal biological kids and biological house, we wanted him here." She spat then went back on her phone. "Babe, I don't understand why are you ignoring me?" I ask. "Well, like Maddie said I'm not going to tell you everything but also like her, I will give you another hint." She explained. I waited for her to talk, "I'm only going to give 2 hints ok? Let's just say that like how he see me as a mother, he see you as a father. Of course you already knew about that because it was you guys things with each other. With that being said, you were a better father to him then his biological father. Which bring me to hint number 2, your punishment isn't as bad like, Buck told you. So, even though you are not allowing him on called you're still having him do something. Which is why he still sees you a father. Now excuse me I have to go make 3 of MY kids some food." With that she walk away as I stood there stunned. I just end up texting Eddie, Hen and Chimney about what happened. (B=EDDIE, I=Bobby, U=Hen,  B,I,U=Chimney)
-Wait, she actually said that?
-I can't believe it.
-What if Buck really through some serious stuff?
-That's what I'm thinking, I mean I don't think Athena ever went off on me like this before. Not to mention Micheal was on her side to and he also said that the only time she ever went off on him that bad was when it was about the kids. Then he told me, that me and you guys better be lucky that Buck seems ok with all this.
-What does that mean?
- Yea, what does he mean about that?
-I wanna know too.
- He told me that when they found out that the those girls was bullying her and that's why she overdose, Athena was furious. Eddie you wasn't here for this. So to explain, when she found out she stalk the girl and went to her house and arrested her. Even though her and all the other kids was doing drugs, but still her boss doesn't think it was a good idea because it was personal and it was even worse when she found out that one of the bully was May old friend. She still hold an grudge over it. Micheal said that Athena notice some different in Buck. He told her not to worry but then she said she talk to Maddie and how Maddie also notice some different. One of them being that he only now wear long sleeves. But he told them that he is changing up his styles and he made it sound convincing but both women are not giving it up.
-Wow, do you guys think that maybe we are being to hard on him?
- I kinda feel like we are. How about we take it slow and start by letting him on a called. How does that?
-I'm fine with that.
- Me too.
-I'm cool with it as well.
After that we got done and I went to get ready for bed. I saw Buck leaving and saying goodbye to everyone, he even looked at me but didn't say anything. I saw him playing with his sleeves and started to think about what if he is hiding something. Then it again it could be nothing. I go out the bathroom and get ready to lay down when I notice that my stuff isn't in the room. I guessing I'm sleeping on the couch, I see my stuff their and a note that said "you will get the bed back when you make up with our son. -Love Athena". I deserve that.

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