Cardin: "Ah crap...!"

He kicks back as more begins to scratch the platform and the weight begins to push it free from its jangling anchoring. One corner of the platform breaks free and Cardin swings to cord back as the still-wedged platform tilts to a diagonal position. This allows a small horde of Grimm to start pouring through. 

They plummet down to the floor, but they all get passing swipes at Cardin and Velvet as they fall and one of them manages to scratch the bag over Cardin's shoulder, tearing the strap and causing the bag to plummet with them

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They plummet down to the floor, but they all get passing swipes at Cardin and Velvet as they fall and one of them manages to scratch the bag over Cardin's shoulder, tearing the strap and causing the bag to plummet with them. 

Cardin: "No! Damn it...!"

He and Velvet both begin to slide down, dodging this way and that to avoid the rain of Grimm coming after them. They eventually get close to the ground floor but, Cardin is tackled by one of the Beowolves. Thinking quickly, Velvet springs the wire towards the doorway, causing it to scrape the Grimm off Cardin and land them both inside the tower's lobby. When they roll to a stop, they pause for a moment to catch their breaths. Cardin slams his hand down onto the ground.

Cardin: "Damn it, I can't believe this happen!"

Velvet: "Calm down, we could still detonate it and take the whole tower down, right?"

Swiftly, Cardin replies back.

Cardin: "There's a number of reasons that wouldn't work but, the main one is that the detonator fell with the bag."

The two students look back at the shaft to see another Beowolf fall past them, giving them a snarl as it falls by. The former bully let out a brief sigh before turning his attention to Velvet.

Cardin: "I figure the bag might as well be buried in Grimm skeletons at this point. I think we have to just retreat and regroup."

Velvet nod to him in agreement.

Velvet: "Right, let's go."

The two students scamper out of the tower, making a break across the campus. As they make a dash to safety, Cardin can't help but glance back at the tower with the Wyvern still attached to the top of the tower, still frozen place. Unbeknownst to them, a Seer Grimm hovers over the Wyvern, watching them go as well as overlooking the distant rescue workers, huntsmen, and salvage teams that are slowly reclaiming the campus. 


(Seven Months Since the Fall of Beacon)

All Ruby could see is complete darkness as she hears a blurred, echoing voice, Pyrrha's voice. 

Pyrrha: "Do you believe in destiny?"

As Pyrrha speaks, small white circles, again blurred, move slightly around Ruby's vision as it remains dark.

Cinder: "Yes."

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