The omega let out a long, heavy sigh, his eyes flickering back and forth across Mark's face. "Really? We can't even... not even a little bit...?"

Mark couldn't help but coo at him, cupping his cheeks and looking down at him lovingly. "You know I wish we could... but it's better for us to wait. Imagine how amazing it will feel when we finally are able to mate after all this time, after holding ourselves back."

Donghyuck just rolled his eyes, clearly unamused and unconvinced. Mark laughed and pressed his lips to his forehead, always so gentle and affectionate.

"It'll only be for a couple more weeks, okay? By the end of this month, I'll be all yours, whenever you wish."

"Fine," Donghyuck grumbled, closing his eyes and allowing Mark to continue peppering kisses all over his face, "but you owe me a mind-blowing honeymoon."

Mark laughed again, wrapping his arms around Donghyuck and pulling him in for another hug. "Anything for you, my queen. Your wish is my command."

┈ ୨ 👑 ୧ ┈

The day of the banquet arrived soon enough, and Donghyuck found himself feeling nervous as he was dressed in his room, wearing his finest robes and elaborate makeup in preparation for meeting many of their neighboring allies and leaders, all of them having travelled for days just to come congratulate Mark and Donghyuck on their engagement.

"What if they don't like me?" Donghyuck whispered frantically to Renjun as he was led to the doors of the banquet hall. Even through the thick mahogany, he could hear the muffled laughter and music filtering through, the space already lively and bustling with guests. Mark was already in there, Renjun told him, and as the future queen Donghyuck was expected to make a grand entrance of sorts.

"They will love you," Renjun said reassuringly, giving Donghyuck a encouraging pat on the shoulder, "and if for some reason they do not... then you do not have to be concerned about it, because they would rather die before they look a queen in the eyes and let them know directly that they dislike them."

It wasn't the kind of reassurance Donghyuck had been expecting, but it still made him feel a bit better nonetheless. So he braced himself, inhaled one last deep breath, and then gestured for the servants to let the large wooden doors swing open.

The whole room went silent when they laid their eyes on him, which made his stomach churn with anxiety. He let his eyes flicker over every person, subtly searching out the familiar face of his fiancé, and he let out a weighted exhale when he finally spotted Mark. The grin on the king's face was so brilliant, so proud and so full of love that Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back, gliding forward as gracefully as he could manage in the direction of Mark.

"You look stunning tonight," The alpha murmured as soon as Donghyuck was within earshot, pulling him up against his side and kissing his temple. Donghyuck just flushed, equal parts embarrassed and endeared by the public display of affection, and just pressed a chaste kiss against Mark's cheek in return.

"Thank you... so do you," he murmured back, shy. Mark just smiled and held out his arm, letting Donghyuck grab onto his elbow before he started leading them across the room.

"We're going to have to socialize a lot tonight," Mark whispered as they walked, sending diplomatic smiles to a few groups of guests along the way, "do you want me to do most of the talking? Or do you think you can handle it?"

"I can handle it," Donghyuck said firmly, glancing up at Mark, "what good am I as a queen if I can't even handle making small talk with a bunch of other royal people?"

"You'd be a fine queen even if you couldn't handle it," Mark chuckled, "but you're right. You're perfectly capable, and I know you will do great."

Donghyuck exhaled sharply and nodded, straightening his shoulders and carrying himself with as much confidence as he could muster. Mark led him over to the head of the large banquet table, pulling out a chair for him and letting Donghyuck sit first before sitting next to him, his posture straight and his perfectly practiced smile pasted across his face.

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