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A day after Mark changed his rotation of guards, Donghyuck found himself coming across the same soldier that had entered his world and taken him from the portal.

He peeked out of the doorway to his bedroom, expecting to see John in the hallway like usual, but instead he laid eyes on the very alpha that had grabbed him and kidnapped him from his university's rose garden. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the soldier, who to his credit looked incredibly sheepish under Donghyuck's dark gaze.

"Good morning, Your Highness," he muttered, bowing a little. The omega just scoffed, crossing his arms and continuing to stare at the alpha with contempt.

"Oh, it's you."

The soldier winced, looking embarrassed.

"Yes... it's good to see that you are well and in good health, Your Grace."

"No thanks to you," Donghyuck scowled. The alpha pursed his lips and turned away. "Why are you here? I was told that only the most trustworthy and loyal guards would be in my rotation from now on."

"I, um... I'm one of the guards John trained, I was one of his first protégés. The king and Captain John both decided I would be a good fit on your rotation because of how I proved my loyalty to the crown, by bravely carrying out the dangerous mission where I went through the portal and brought back... you." 

Donghyuck scoffed. "How ironic, that you uprooting me from my entire life and kidnapping me earned you a fucking promotion."

"I was only following orders, Your Highness. Please understand I never intended any harm," the guard muttered under his breath, hanging his head shamefully. Donghyuck finally decided to take pity on him and relented, crossing his arms as he leant against the open doorframe of his bedroom.

"What's your name again?"

"Jeno, Your Grace," the alpha spluttered quickly, lowering himself into a curt bow once again, "my name is Lee Jeno, son of retired General Lee Jinho."

Donghyuck snorted. "I have no idea who that is. Are you trying to impress me by bringing up your father that I have never met?"

Jeno flushed, looking jittery and nervous in Donghyuck's presence. "No, Your Highness. My apologies, I've been trained to mention my father whenever I introduce myself."

Donghyuck hummed and tilted his head, looking Jeno up and down in consideration. He took note of the alpha's trembling hands, his shaky eyes and the way his face was warm and red. It was equal parts amusing and fascinating to him—as an omega, he had never had any sort of intimidating effect on an alpha before, it was usually the other way around.

"Do I scare you, Jeno Lee?" Donghyuck crooned, smirking. The soldier's eyes flitted up to him for a moment in surprise, but then they darted away again, as if Jeno was afraid he would be punished for even just looking at him for too long.

"Are you looking for an honest answer, Your Highness?" Jeno murmured, clearly reluctant. Donghyuck laughed loudly in response.

"No need. I already know your answer... I can read body language."

Jeno looked even more embarrassed, if possible.

"As funny as I think it is that you're so nervous around me... you can relax, I'm not going to do anything to you," Donghyuck giggled, "take a deep breath, alpha. You're sweating through your uniform."

Jeno's eyes widened in alarm, looking down at himself to check for visible stains. Donghyuck started laughing again, and that was when Jeno realized that he had been messing with him, and promptly turned a shade darker in humiliation.

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