twenty seven

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Donghyuck awoke in the middle of the night from a nightmare, one that left him shaking and sweating. He opened his eyes with a gasp, sitting upright so fast that his head spun, panting as he tried to regain his senses. He looked to the side and saw Mark next to him, still peacefully asleep, and little by little he let out a few deep breaths, trying to get his beating heart to slow back down.

He had dreamed of the intruder, holding him by the throat with a knife in his hand. Mark had been tied to the bed and was watching, desperate, tears streaming down his cheeks and his eyes wild with panic. He had dreamed of Mark screaming and crying out his name as the alpha stranger plunged the knife through his chest. He had awoken to that, a phantom pain in his sternum and Mark's devastated expression burned into the back of his eyelids, haunting him and making him feel sick.

He looked to the side and stared at Mark again, committing his peaceful expression to memory. It's okay. He's okay. Everything is alright.

Even though he felt embarrassed by his clinginess, he couldn't stop himself from gently lifting Mark's arm and trying to wiggle himself into Mark's embrace. He had always been this way, the kind of person that needed physical affection and comfort in order to feel safe, and it just so happened that Mark was the most "safe" person to him at the moment. He tried to tell himself that was all it was, just that he craved the protection and nothing else. The lie got less convincing the more times it repeated in his own head, but he had become good at ignoring it.

In the process of trying to squeeze himself up against Mark's side, the alpha began to stir awake from the movement. Donghyuck froze, embarrassment washing over him as the king opened his eyes and caught Donghyuck halfway underneath his arm, awkwardly trying to fit himself against his body.

"Donghyuck?" Mark whispered, his voice rough with sleep. The omega tried to ignore the way it sent a shiver down his spine. "What's the matter? What are you doing?"

Donghyuck dropped the king's arm and scooted away, ashamed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. I, um... I had a nightmare."

Mark furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before he sat up a little. "It's alright, Donghyuck. Were you trying to cuddle me, because you were scared?"

Donghyuck blushed red up to his ears. He hoped the low light in the room meant that the king wouldn't be able to see it. "Uh. Yeah. I'm sorry."

Mark shook his head, propping himself up against the headboard and opening his arms invitingly. "Don't apologize. Come here, it's okay."

Donghyuck hesitated for a minute, feeling shy and awkward, but then he slowly shuffled over and wrapped his arms around Mark, fitting himself against his chest. The alpha was quick to hug him back, pulling him flush up against his body and gently patting the back of Donghyuck's head. The omega felt a confusing mixture of mortified and elated.

"Do you think you're too scared to go back to sleep?" Mark murmured, fingertips brushing the baby hairs at the base of Donghyuck's scalp. The omega shivered at the feeling and let out a shaky sigh.

"I think so, yeah. I... I see it every time I close my eyes," he whispered back, almost shamefully.

"I'm sorry, Donghyuck. You're safe here with me, okay? I've got you, everything is going to be alright." Mark soothed, sliding his hand down to comfortingly rub the omega's back. Donghyuck's face burned, pressing his cheek up against the alpha's shoulder.

"You don't have to do all this," Donghyuck mumbled, "you can just go back to sleep, if you want. I don't wanna keep you up, too."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm your alpha, it's my job to comfort you through things like this. I'm honored that you feel comfortable enough to seek out my help."

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