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Donghyuck's logic and reason left faster than it had the first time, his brain completely fogging over from the pre-heat within minutes. The normal Donghyuck was soon gone, replaced by an omega whose only goal was to be mated and bred as soon as physically possible.

"Alpha," Donghyuck whined, his eyes glassy and his lips jutted out in a pout. Mark felt his mouth go dry, his entire body reacting to the words and the sight before him. His stomach twisted with dread, and his confidence in his ability to hold back and restrain himself from pouncing on the omega was already quickly slipping away.

"Hmm?" He hummed back breathlessly, pressing himself up against the far side of the carriage away from Donghyuck. His best bet was to avoid physical contact with the omega for as long as he could... because he feared that once Donghyuck laid a hand on him, it would all be over.

"I need you... I need your help..." Donghyuck whimpered, inching closer over towards Mark. Panic shot down the king's spine like a lightning bolt.

"What do you need help with, beautiful?" He responded shakily. Donghyuck had reacted well to nicknames the previous night, so he tried to rely on that to soothe the poor omega from afar.

"It hurts... everything hurts, alpha, I need you to help make it go away."

Donghyuck was on the edge of tears at this point, clutching the coat beneath him like a lifeline. Mark felt his muscles start to shake from the effort of holding himself up against the wall.

"I can't... I can't make all the pain go away. I'm sorry, I can't do that for you right now."

Tears spilled onto Donghyuck's cheeks. Mark's inner alpha howled at him in reprimand, growing more restless at seeing the omega in such distress.

"Wanna cuddle with you again... wanna be near you alpha, please? Can you at least do that for me?"

Mark didn't know. He truly, honestly didn't know if he could withstand cuddling with Donghyuck again without losing control.

"Can I talk to someone first? I'll be really quick, I promise. Just be good and stay still for a second, okay?"

Donghyuck's eyes lit up. "I'm good. I wanna be good."

"Okay... just stay still for me for a moment, okay?" Mark breathed, slowly inching over towards the carriage window before sticking his head out. Jeno was the closest, and though it was disappointing that he couldn't talk to John, he decided that ultimately beggars couldn't be choosers. Mark quickly called out his name, and Jeno's eyes widened in alarm as soon as he saw the king, riding closer in order to hear him.

"Donghyuck... it's happening again, His Highness is going through pre-heat," Mark hissed frantically, "how much longer until we arrive?"

Jeno's face paled in realization, clearing his throat before replying. "We're set to arrive within the next hour or so, Your Majesty."

Mark let out a sigh of relief. "Thank heavens. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold him off... tell everyone to hurry, if possible. Please inform John of the situation."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Jeno replied, immediately riding forward to where the Captain was leading the group. Mark took a deep breathe before retreating back into the carriage, glancing over at Donghyuck wearily.

The omega was sat very still, looking like he was holding himself there with great effort. He had Mark's coat in his arms, pressed up against his torso as he clung to it desperately. Mark didn't know if his own alpha instincts were already getting to his head, but the only thought that came into his mind was that Donghyuck looked unbearably adorable, and that he wanted to give him a reward for being such a good boy.

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