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Despite his snarky remark, Renjun had in fact given Donghyuck a warmer outfit for him to wear, with a soft fluffy coat and warm pants that made him feel nice and cozy, yet were somehow still fashionable and regal looking. If this were his world, he was sure that whatever seamstress designed his clothes for him would be some kind of high end fashion designer; she definitely had the talent for it.

Donghyuck was kindly led out to the entrance to the palace gardens by John and a couple other guards, where he saw Mark standing and waiting for him. Donghyuck rolled his eyes but still stood next to him, staying quiet as Mark dismissed the servants and the guards before leading Donghyuck down the stone pathway.

The gardens were gorgeous at night, with the last remaining hues of the sunset dancing along the tops of the hedges and causing the droplets on the flower petals to twinkle orange and blue. There were dim lanterns illuminating their path, making the evening darkness around them feel more comfortable rather than scary, while also keeping the area dark enough to keep the mood. It was annoyingly romantic, like something that Donghyuck would have seen in a cheesy rom-com, and he felt irritated that Mark had been absolutely correct about how lovely walking through the gardens at night would be.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Mark mumbled, further adding to Donghyuck's frustration. The omega just rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and tucking his hands under his biceps as they walked.

"Yeah whatever. You were right and I was wrong, way to rub it in," Donghyuck scowled. Mark just let out a deep sigh of his own.

"Can't you ever just let me say something nice to you without you turning it around and making me out to be a horrible person for it?"

"Nope," Donghyuck hummed, popping the 'p' and turning to Mark so that he could stick his tongue out at him childishly. Mark just scoffed, shaking his head disbelievingly as he led them through the tall hedges and down the winding pathway.

"This is where the best view of the stars is," Mark muttered once they found their way into a clearing in the middle of the hedge maze. There was a large blanket laid out in the center, with a stone statue of what appeared to be cupid placed at the far end of the circle. The flickering flames of the nearby lanterns made the area look almost like it was candlelit, a warm glow settling over the space where Mark had clearly set up for them to lay down and stargaze. It was sickeningly sweet and thoughtful, so much so that it made Donghyuck feel low anger simmering in his abdomen again.

"You really outdid yourself, Romeo. Are you trying to get me in the mood so that you can just put a baby in me without all the trouble of actually mating me?" Donghyuck quipped sarcastically. Mark pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Donghyuck, please. I'm attempting to do something nice for you, so that you may watch the stars and relax and so we have a nice place to sit and talk as we enjoy this beautiful night. Must you make everything so difficult?"

"Making things difficult is my specialty," Donghyuck said defiantly, still walking over to the blanket and sitting on top of it despite himself, "but since you went to so much trouble just for me, I suppose it would be rude if we didn't utilize it."

"Funny. I figured you would've jumped at the opportunity to be even more rude, since you seem to enjoy it so much," Mark hissed, still taking a seat next to Donghyuck on the blanket.

"Well, who knows when I'll get to enjoy something like this again? I might as well take advantage of it," Donghyuck huffed, pointedly not facing Mark as he tilted his head back to look at the night sky.

"If you become my mate, you can enjoy luxuries like this however much you'd like. I will personally give you everything you ask for, to make you as comfortable and happy as you desire."

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