twenty three

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As soon as Donghyuck's real heat hit, he was graciously untied from the bed. The nurses kept his room stocked with water and food, and kept the door mostly locked at all times to prevent Donghyuck from wandering out into the hallways in search of the alpha king.

Not that he really could, anyways. His heat had rendered him basically bedridden, curled up into the sheets pathetically as he was consumed with the pain. The warmth in his body didn't subside, coursing through his body and making him sweat through the robes he was wearing and dampening the sheets beneath him. Slick dribbled down his thighs consistently, and the aching need settled hard in his stomach and caused him to writhe in agony, desperate for any kind of friction he could get. He was so used to having access to heat suppressants in his world, that either made his heat more bearable or stopped it from happening entirely, and without them he found that his cycle was pure torture with little to no reprieve. Using suppressants so often must have caused a lot of his most uncomfortable heat symptoms to intensify, and now he was coming to regret using them at all as he was in the fetal position on an unfamiliar bed, in a strange world with absolutely no one to help him.

The nurses popped their heads in to check in on him every hour or so, taking his vitals and forcing him to eat and drink water, before they thankfully left the room and let him handle the more intimate parts of the heat by himself. Without any access to his special toys he had back in his world to help with his heat, he had to resort to burying his face into Mark's coat and desperately fingering himself, rutting down against the mattress and sobbing each time he came, none of his orgasms giving him the relief and satisfaction that he craved.

On the first evening, the nurses came to help him into a bathtub and attempted to wash him as they changed his sheets, but Donghyuck was resistant and miserable, not wanting to be touched by anyone. Still, they shoved him into the water and scrubbed the sweat and slick off of his skin despite his protests, keeping the water ice cold to soothe the burning fever in his body. Even if Donghyuck had cried and screamed and fought the whole time he was bathed, once he put on a clean set of robes and laid down on freshly washed sheets, he had to admit that it felt nice. He was relieved that they had left his nest untouched and rearranged it exactly to how he had it set up before, and he enjoyed the brief moment of feeling clean before he inevitably would get himself dirty once again.

Mark, meanwhile, was going through something similar in his own quarters, although a lot less intense. He still had Donghyuck's travel bag, from when he had helped the omega build the nest, and he shamefully used the lingering scent in Donghyuck's clothing to satisfy his own needs. It was torturous, knowing that his omega was just down the hallway and was in pain, and that there was nothing he could do except jerk himself off pathetically with his cheek pressed to one of Donghyuck's discarded robes.

Between waves of his own arousal, he had the time to stare up at the ceiling and think, wondering if the omega was okay, wondering if he was calling out his name and asking for his help. He imagined what it would be like to take the omega to bed and give him what he wanted, knotting him and breeding him and holding him close as he whispered sweetly into his hair and joined them together as one.

Then he would shove his hand back down into his robes and be right back where he started, miserably consumed by desire and unable to be with the one person his body was craving so desperately.

As the first night settled over the palace, a shadowy figure watched from behind a pillar, gazed trained on the closed door to the omega queen's bedroom. He waited in silence for an opportunity to sneak in, observing the soldiers in the hallway and the servants bustling to accommodate the omega's needs, trying to spot a crack in their system, a flaw in their guard.

The opportunity never arose. The figure retreated back into the darkness, thinking of another plan for another day.

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