Chapter - 3

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After admiring her mothers' attires in the closet, Ziya noticed a dress hanging out at the very corner which was a bit old-fashioned and does not seem to be her mother's style as it was a bit heavy with diamonds and looks kind of a traditional dress.

At first, Ziya thought, "maybe it's my mother's wedding dress. I can't imagine mom wearing such heavy clothes. It's just not her style."

To take a closer look, Ziya removed the dress to look closely at the dress and work of art done on that dress. Just as she removed the dress, she noticed that the side of the cupboard moved and showed the spiral staircases going somewhere towards the underground.

Ziya was now more confused as she had never seen this and as far as she remembers they did not have any underground basement or such in the house. She was now wondering what and where this stairwell leads to and if her mother or even father was aware of it.

There were a lot of questions running in her mind and to find the answers to those questions, she first had to go down those stairs and see for herself.

Ziya mustered up her courage and mentally prepared herself for the worst outcome. She then headed towards the stairs leading downstairs in a basement that she never knew existed till now.

After following the spiral staircases, she reached the end of the stairs and the scenery in front of her was very shocking for her. Ziya saw there was a secret room that opened after removing her mother's dress from the wardrobe.

Opening the door, she noticed that the room opened with a click and the view of different things involved. It was very puzzling as if it was a puzzle that she had to solve in order to see what her mother was hiding.

The room was very bright despite being in the basement. It was probably due to the choice of the colors on the wall. The room was painted beautifully in a turquoise blue color giving a calm and peaceful aura to the person making them relaxed. There was a big jigsaw puzzle that seemed to lead to a clue for the next level or next place to find the answer.

Ziya was very excited to find out what it was and started to piece the jigsaw puzzle pieces in place one by one with carefulness and precision. It almost took Ziya 3 hours to finish the entire puzzle which was a very beautiful picture of her mother.

Ziya was once again bursting with all the emotions making her confused, happy, and sad all at the same time. She was feeling more confused than the other emotions as to why her mother never mentioned the room to her before.

It was a lot to take in after the biggest shock of losing both her parents at the same time in an accident at a very young age. Ziya went back to her room, took her mother's portrait, and asked her the questions she had in her mind which she was forlornly looking to be answered.

Ziya cried until her emotions calmed down or slept weeping hard as it was all new and confusing. She was experiencing the feeling of betrayal, she felt that her parents betrayed her by not sharing everything and felt that she was not even trustworthy enough to them that they did not share with them.

Right now, Ziya was having all sorts of negative emotions such as death and now the secret room did a number on her. It indeed was a lot to take in at the same time one after the other when she just finally coped up with the death of her parents. Finally, hugging her parents' portrait tightly and crying, Ziya fell asleep.

The next morning, when Ziya woke up, she prepared her breakfast and took everything positively thinking at least her mother left her clues to follow and she will know what secret it is. Ziya had her breakfast and got ready to head towards her university where she studied her course.

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