(Un)Lucky Naofumi 6

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A/N: I forgot to explain, that if I change their last names to their first names, then Iwatani had talked to them and had the blessing to use someone's name. I know that the other heroes already use his given name, but Naofumi doesn't know... Anyways, hope you enjoy it!

After two (2) hours of waiting and only ten (10) minutes before the battle, Motoyasu decided to carry Naofumi on his back. Amaki and Kawasumi tucked a fleece blanket around Naofumi without trying to restrict his movement. Then, they stood straight and waited, patiently, quietly with a lot of anxiety, to be beamed to the battle. It felt like hours before they were finally beamed away. When they arrived, they saw that they got a lucky break.

They were far from the battle, but it was an open field with nowhere to to take cover. In the far distance, there was a town, but it was too far away to get there within ten (10) minutes of running. All of their companions were there, and Malty but none of the heroes wanted to talk to her more than they had to, and looked to be ready for a fight.

"Damn, this is the worst case in our situation. Guys, it's going to be more exhausting than we expected. It's going to be an endurance test that we need to win. The plan is like we planned before, but the one who carries Iwatani has to do everything they can to protect and fight. Don't be too proud to ask for help, because this is going to push our limits to the end and more. I don't care how, but we will survive this!", said Motoyasu while he already started to distance himself from the rest with Naofumi.

Kawasumi was already telling everyone to kill what they could and stay safe, Amaki told them that they were responsible for their own life and that he didn't need them fighting the big fight with him and Motoyasu told the girls to stay safe and protect everyone to the best of their abilities.

Naofumi looked up and said:"Ralphtalia give them back-up or cut everything down that you can handle without getting yourself hurt. Filo, watch Ralphtalia's back, be careful and kill as many monsters as you can and I'll treat you to your favorite meal next time."

Both Ralphtalia and Filo showed Naofumi that they understood and stood ready to fight with the rest, not arguing or trying to change Naofumi's plans. Everyone sighed in relieve, but they did think it was strange that it was such an open place until the monsters came out. There, in the distance walking to them in groups of five, were about 300 Monsters. They were smaller, weaker and more silent then other monsters they ever fought before, but they looked eager to kill, or eat, them.

Kawasumi cracked his fingers, nodded to himself and started to shoot the monsters that were already advancing in their direction while Amaki ran right in the middle of the fight and slashed the monsters near him. The fight was going smoothly and it looked as if it wasn't as bad as they thought. They were pushing the monsters more and more back to the middle of the field and kept them there.

"This is an easy win for us! We didn't even need to test our limits and there was no need for Motoyasu and Naofumi.", exclaimed Kawasumi proudly.

Kawasumi immediately regretted his words, when a sudden lightning shot in front of him and Amaki. There was so much light coming from the lightning. They had to shield their eyes or risk being blinded. After the light dimmed down, Kawasumi and Amaki saw about 30 huge monsters of about 40 meters high. Each monster had three heads, a long neck, they were brown in color and had a roundish head.

They looked to be made from hard stones or rocks. First they thought about rock golems, but when the monsters opened their mouths, they saw how a ro- no a boulder was created. The monsters snapped their necks, like a catapult, in the direction of the heroes. The boulder went flying at such a high speed, it shouldn't be possible!

Amaki and Kawasumi, who are walking on their own, dodging the boulders when Kawasumi asked in incredulity:"Did they just catapult a rock the size of a car from their mouths?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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