(Un)lucky Naofumi 4

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Sorry for the long wait everyone. I've been busy since this is my last year studying and that took a lot of time from me to update my fanfics. I did write it on paper further, but I need to add it on the computer still. Hope you guys enjoy this.

Kitamura's eyes softened and said:"It's free. You are also a Hero, just like Ren, Itsuki and I are. We don't need to pay for the food, then you don't need to pay either. Just rest and don't feel so nervous. I'm sorry for treating you like trash and not even help you."

"I-I can't forgive you yet, but if you can work for it again, I will do my best to get on better terms, if not a friendship, with you. I-I don't think that I can forget what you, what all of you did w-without e-e-evidence. I'm sorry, Kitamura.",explained Naofumi while getting worked up again.

Motoyasu knew that and decided to go a step forward and said:"Please, just call me Motoyasu. It's better than treating ourselves as strangers if we are fighting together."

"M-Motoyasu? OK, I will, but I may slip up sometimes... Call me Iwatani, it's only fair."

Motoyasu hugged Naofumi and rubbed his hand in circles over Naofumi's back, hoping to calm him down. At first, Naofumi flinched away from the hand, but after some time, Naofumi started to calm down. After a few more minutes, Naofumi's breathing deepened and was asleep on Motoyasu again. Motoyasu chuckled im amusement, comparing Naofumi with a little child, and laid Naofumi down on the bed.

Sadly, no one thought of bringing Naofumi to the toilet since he's not mobile, but no one did. Motoyasu went for an hour out of the room, looking for Motoyasu while Naofumi woke up and needed to go to the toilet.

He tried to get up, but his body protested against the idea. He laid back in bed, laid a blancket over himself and asked uncertainly:"Motoyasu? Are you here? I need to go."

After a few minutes, which felt more like an eternity, Naofumi tried again but no answer.

Naofumi looked around and thought:'How hard could it be to go alone to the toilet? They are probably just lightly injured...'

Naofumi begun to get up from bed and stand up, while doing it against extreme pain that he ignored, and took every single thing, that he couldn't bring with him, off of him. First went the oxygen mask that got taken off and thrown next to him on the bed. Then, he tried to get the IV off the hook, but he somehow couldn't get it off the hook, so he decided to take the needle out of his arm.

He wanted to take the Pulse Oximeter off of himself, but there may have been magic involved to keep it on his finger. Lastly, he took off the too large pyjama pants or he feels that he may fall over it later on. After all that, and feeling like he just ran a marathon, he finally took a step. Meanwhile, Motoyasu found Kawasumi with two plates of food while telling how he and Amaki ate already.

Motoyasu was just about to answer when they heard a loud crash from Naofumi's room. Both stormed inside the room, only to see Naofumi writhing in agony on the ground while the only sound was him gasping in pain. Kawasumi brought the plates quickly to the sidetable while Motoyasu was already picking Naofumi, bridal style, up. Motoyasu was already going back to the bed while Noafumi was trying to talk between coughs.

"N-No b-b *coughing*.",wheezed Naofumi out, but Motoyasu didn't understand what Naofumi wanted to say and shushed him:"Hush, Iwatani. It's alright. I'll bring you back to bed."

Motoyasu turned to ask Kawasumi something, only to see how he was just walking back in with the Head Healer. Naofumi, however, tried to get out of bed again. Motoyasu saw it and gently pushed Naofumi back in bed again while the Head Healer replaced everything that Naofumi took off of himself.

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