Part 18

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Now, Ryuga stood in the throne room.

Julius hummed, "I see where you're coming from. To be honest, with how they are, neither of your fellow heroes are capable of taking the demons of the calamity."

Merlin chuckled, "And what better way than to have to train under the two countries which have experience dealing with demons, is that right?"

Ryuga nodded, "Exactly."

The king nodded, "Very well, I'll send a request to Ikazuchi and Yogoe. Given that it is a request from yourself, I have no doubts they will agree to it."

The armor hero smiled sheepishly, "I sure hope so."

Julius chuckled, "They will. Now, since you're back, how has the academy been? I have received reports from Merlin, but I'd like to hear it personally from you."

Ryuga hummed, "It is a wonderful place. It is considered a neutral area where everyone can study together. I think its a great place."

The king nodded, "As it should be. But of course, that can go either way, as you may have experienced."

The hero nodded, "As much good as it can do, it is still a place where people would be vulnerable."

Julius nodded, "Exactly."

Sergei spoke up, "The reason his Majesty brought it up, is because of the behemoth incident just a while ago."

Ryuga quickly caught on, "You believe it was planned?"

Merlin nodded, "The first one may well have been an accident. But considering you had to take down another one in Eisen, we fear calling them accidents would be pushing it."

The armor hero folded his arms, "Rufus and Karl huh..."

The king nodded, "Karl has always been crafty and ambitious, I would think his son to be similar."

Ryuga looked at them, "But we can't do anything now, can we?"

Julius shook his head, "Not now, we have no evidence. And the last thing we want is a war between Eisen and Pendragon. For now, I want you to focus on training your fellow heroes."

Sergei nodded, "The rest of us plan to keep an eye on Eisen, and I have talked with Celeste about keeping an open channel with each other."

The hero blinked, "But isn't she going to the academy next semester? That's soon, isn't it?"

Julius nodded, "It is, in fact, she might be joining soon, perhaps in the next two months or so. With that in mind, we plan to have Lady Rinko's shadows keep an eye on Karl."

Ryuga caught on, "I see. I've never really seen them in action, but..."

Merlin laughed, "Her shadows may well be the best in the continent, second to none, I might even say. Celeste is planning on visiting the academy two weeks from now, and we plan to have the shadows follow her back."

The hero nodded, "I see, I assume the shadows will be following Koyomi to the academy?"

The wizard nodded, "That would be correct. But that is beside the point."

Julius nodded, "For now, Ryuga, I want you to rest. Enjoy your time at the academy, however possible. When we receive confirmation, you can bring your fellow heroes to visit the other countries."

The armor hero nodded, "Understood."


A few days later, the group stood in Ikazuchi's throne room. Alice and Arthur had gone off back to the academy, leaving the three heroes to their own devices.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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