Part 10: A New Country

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A few days later, after the not-so-small accident, the tournament had ended in Ryuga's victory, both for the exhibition match and the finals of the event.

Now, Ryuga was back in the Pendragon home, more specifically, in his room, scrolling through his list.

The hero smiled as he saw a few units he had always loved. His level had bumped up to 45, which gave him more units of the Super Robot type, and a whole lot more other Real Robot types.

Among them included 00 Seven Swords, Aquarion EVOL and even Guren Lagann. There were more in his list, but before the young man could go through them, he heard a knock on his door.

Ryuga looked up, "Come on in, door's not locked."

The door opened, as Arthur walked. The hero waved, "Hey dude."

The blonde prince smiled, "Hey, you mind if I come in?"

Ryuga gestured to the room, "Sure, it's your house."

Arthur chuckled, "It's still manners to ask before I do so."

The hero shrugged, "True I guess."

The prince walked in, "So, what have you been doing?"

Ryuga leaned onto his chair, "Just looking through the new armors I got."

Arthur raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

The hero grinned, "The fight with the behemoth gave me a new set of em, so I was simply looking through them."

The prince nodded, "I see, in other words, you've gotten stronger."

Ryuga chuckled, "Yeah, that's one way of putting it."

Arthur smiled dryly, "Well, that's one good thing I suppose."

The hero nodded, before he asked, "So, what did you want?"

The blonde quickly remembered why he was here, "I wanted to invite you out, I have a group of... friends that were interested in you."

Ryuga blinked, "Friends?"

Arthur smiled, "Yes, they're all nobles... Your... Recent victories have caught their attention."

The hero nodded, "I see... What do you think?"

The prince blinked, "I'm sorry?"

Ryuga tilted his head slightly, "Do you think I should go? You said the people here would never do anything that doesn't benefit themselves."

Arthur blinked again, before he chuckled, "I'm glad you remembered that, but no, they are good... Mostly. They know of your circle, so I doubt they'd try much." 'Lest they have my sister and two other princesses decimating them in every way possible...'

The hero nodded, "Okay, cool. When is it?"

Arthur turned to the door, "Now, actually. They're waiting by the garden in the academy."

Ryuga blinked, "Oh... Okay."


After a short walk, the two reached the garden. Ryuga quickly spotted a table by a tree, where three students sat. There were one male and two females.

Arthur waved as they approached them, "Hey, I've brought him."

A young man with long brown haired tied in a low tail, spoke, "As expected, your highness."

A girl with lush black hair nodded, "Agreed."

The other girl, one with long brown hair tied in a braid, smiled, "Thank you, your highness."

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