Chapter Seven

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"They're your future, your past and your present." She used to tell him, her kind smile reassuring Charlie that he had a purpose in life to fulfill. "They gave you to me. My wishes are up there, so many of them were for you. A beautiful, strong boy to take care of the family." His grin faltered, his brows becoming more drawn together whilst a wrinkle or two appeared on his forehead due to his deep frown.

"But you were a liar, mother." The words were spat with venom, yet they weren't any louder than a mouse. Charlie could feel a tear prick at the corner of his eyes and he scowled, desperately wiping them away. Men weren't weak. They weren't supposed to cry. So why was he here, tears threatening to cascade their way down his cheeks and make him seem all the more vulnerable?

Because deep down, even through all what society has pushed on men, Charlie knew that even Men cried. In times of solitude, where they are alone and could be free to let out their emotions without being judged, reprimanded and being labled a wuss, he knew men would cry. They would do so in solitude, society pushing them to do so and making them believe their feelings weren't validated.

But they were.

So why wouldn't Charlie believe it? Why won't he believe the words he was desperately telling himself, trying to convince himself it was okay?

SImple. Charles Fray did not want to cry, he did not want to break down. If he did, who would pick up the pieces? He was tired of doing it himself. His hands were battered, bruised and cut from all the years of doing it himself, not letting anyone know the emotional pain he was suffering. But why was he suffering?

"You're...quiet." Charlie breathed out deeply, his chest tightening in surprise. It was too late to mask up the emotions, to put on his facade and pretend to be okay. He had been caught.

"I'm...processing." Charlie admitted, looking into his lap where his fingers fiddled together nervously. He didn't want to reveal such a thing, to let Alec know that he wasn't strong or capable. He wouldn't be useful then.

"Processing what?" Alec glanced around at their surroundings, his arms going around his knees as he sat beside Charlie and looking at the sky like the blonde had done.

"Life." The boy chuckled, shaking his head as he sucked in a breath afterwards. "My, uh, my memories. I'm struggling to figure out what is real and what is not."

"I'm real." Alec shrugged. "You're real. So is Iz, Jace, the Institute-"

"How do i know, though?" Charlie pressed, turning himself so that he could look at Alec. There was desperation within Charlie's blue eyes, a begging for answers that could not be given. "I'm not related to Clary or Jocelyn. Then there's the-the Shadowhunters are all beings with angel blood. I'm not worthy of that. I-I swear and i- god knows i've had sex before marriage, but-" cutting himself off, Charlie felt his lips quiver. "Alec, what do i do?"

Alec watched silently as Charlie spiralled. The boy that had been pushing him away was now begging for his questions to be given a remedy but, in truth, Alec couldn't help.

"What do you normally do?"

"I don't normally freak-the-fuck-out." Charlie snapped, ducking his head immediately. "I'm sorry. For everything. The, uh, intrusion on your lives and-"

"It's okay." Charlie shook his head, his eyes squinting together as he frowned deeper. That couldn't be. Alec couldn't be so sure of this.

"Don't pretend." Charlie snapped, bringing his knees to his chest, like that of a child would when they felt sad or alone. "Don't do that."

"I'm not-" Alec tried to protest to Charlie's claim, but the boy was not finished.

"Don't!" He exclaimed, shaking his head almost frantically. "There is absolutely no way you find yourself trusting me enough to try and be all sappy and shit! There's no fucking way. Why? Why are you doing this?! Why are you trying to make me better?" At first, Charlie's voice was loud and it was booming with an attempt to make how broken he truly felt, but his last question was the final crack in his emotional wall. Tears streamed down his face, but he hid himself away, burying his head.

"I don't know." Alec's voice lost all sense of warmth, kindness and softness. It was now cold, unrelenting in masking his own emotions and it put Charlie on edge. He had successfully lost a friend.

He didn't need to look up, all he had to do was listen. The scuffle of feet, the receeding footsteps...Alec was walking away and Charlie was left to be alone. Just like he wanted, right? Why else would he-

"Looks like you succeeded." A chilling voice said, making Charlie jump in his skin slightly at the unfamiliarity. "Too bad he won't care now."


"Oh, you are just a bitch." Charlie grunted, his eyes peeling awake. It didn't take long for him to realise that someone had a strong grasp on his arm, keeping his from going anywhere.

"Simon?! Charlie?"

"Is that the mundane's and shadowhunter's names?" The same chilling voice called out and it made Charlie glare. He was shoved suddenly, and he felt like he was falling for a moment before his legs were grasped and he was rising slightly, dangling upside down.

Charlie looked at the crowd of three and his sister, of which none looked too worried at all. Apart from Clary, but Charlie figured it would be more so for Simon, he was her best friend.

"I'm afraid Simon and Charlie's coming with us."

"No!" Clary cried out, running forwards and being caught by Jace. "No, he's not a part of this."

"Why am i the dude that gets kidnapped with mr. no balls?" Charlie muttered, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, realising he wasn't much getting out of this.

"And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Charlie witnessed Alec say something quietly to Jace before clearing his throat and speaking louder.

"Careful. We'd be violating the Accords."

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right." The chilling voiced man called out once more, trying to intimidate them, Charlie guessed. This is what he got for being a dick and not trying to have a civilised conversation, isn't it? This was Charlie's karma. "The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating."

"You've kidnapped us." Charlie pointed out, but when he was let go of and grabbed again, he sucked in a breath. He was on death's door if he were to fall now.

"The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup." Charlie didn't miss the way he was not involved in that negotiation, hinting that he was to be stuck as a hostage of sorts.

What scared him most? No one cared. Clary had a look of relief washing over her face at the fact she had a possibility to keep her friend alive, but she didn't portray any signs of worry for Charlie.

Jace didn't have an expression to read off of, and even if he did, Charlie wouldn't be able to describe it. He didn't really know Jace.

Isabelle seemed to be unfazed, and yet a part of her was bothered at the same time. He wasn't sure whether its because of him or not, but Charlie wouldn't be surprised if it was all for Simon. When had anything been about him?

But Alec? Alec was a mixture. He was worried, he was angry and yet he was also cold and numb-looking.

"And the clock is ticking! Tick-tock, people."



hey how was it? i'm trying my best to keep alec in character, but i feel like i had already failed at that so i was attempting to push him back into it by making him cold towards charlie after the fray's stubbornness to argue, you get me?

pls comment and vote x

Serendipity / A.LightwoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora