3; uncertainty

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                                                                𓈈     ₆⁶₆  

Val was pacing up and down the corridors for a few minutes. Her black stilettos clicking against the marble floor. The quiet sound of the hallways and slight dialogue filling her ears. She bit her lip as she headed towards an elevator. She stood in front of it with her hands awkwardly glued to her waist. Ding The elevator opened. Jaehyun was standing inside, along with another man who worked at the company.

They were both wearing neat, lavish suits. The man beside Jaehyun greeted her with a smile as he gestured her into the elevator. She walked in with an awkward smile and bowed, heading towards the back corner of the elevator. "What floor are you going to?" He hovered his hand near the buttons. "The 13th." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He pressed the button then leaned back.

Jaehyun stood still there with a blank expression next to him. She stood there with her hands clasped together as she looked Jaehyun up and down. He was dressed so neatly and his posture was so weirdly perfect. He looked like a cliché ceo mafia boss or something, she thought. She unentintionally kept staring at him, not noticing that he had looked over his shoulder at her.

Her eyes widened when she finally noticed and bowed 90 degrees. "Hi." She said in a slight whisper. He didn't say anything back instead he just glared at her. She looked down to the floor, a little confused as to why he didn't say anything back. The other man giggled softly and looked at Valentine with a smile. "Whats your name?" He asked continuously glancing at her. "Its Valentine, you can call me Val if you want to." She said politely as she let her hands
loose. "Lee Jihoon, pleased to meet you." He smiled. "Same he--" Ding The elevator opened. Jaehyun glanced over at Val with a still expression. "Ah..see you around bye." She bowed twice and headed out of the elevator.

  Val skipped work and went to the company's president office. She sat in the seat nervously waiting for her as she looked around the new building. She had never really been there before so it was all so brand new. After a few minutes the lady arrived and took a seat in the chair behind the desk Valentine was sitting at. "you're early." She smiled at she sat her black purse under her desk. Val smiled back politely and placed her hands in her lap.
"So, you were personally reccomended by Ms. Kang to be our ceo's part time secretary correct?" She asked with her eyes slightly piercing through the younger's. Its like she had a sudden mood swing.

Val nodded. "Ok." She said as she reached into a file drawer and began pulling out a few papers and sliding them onto the desk. "Look over these Valentine and meet me back in a few hours. "

After talking for about 30 minutes about job experience and such, she was excused out.

She stood behind the café counter looking around a bit. It wasn't too busy so her mind could be slightly at ease.

After about an hour of sitting at the empty café, the man from the elevator came up to it. He leaned slightly onto the counter. "Hey Valentine!" His lips were curled into a bright smile. "Oh hello! Jihoon right?" She asked. "Yea, nice to see you again beautiful." He looked into her eyes deeply. "Ha..same here." She smiled back awkwardly. He reached his hand over the counter and caressed her hair, running his fingers through slightly. "What are you doing.." She pulled herself back slightly. "Do you maybe wanna go somewhere with me tonight?" He asked placing his hands into his pants pockets. "Um..like where?" She asked hesitantly."

How about I take you to a restaurant? I know this great place down the street. We could have dinner there and then go for a walk around the city if you want. My treat." He replied with a wink, his voice low and flirtatious. Valentine felt her pulse quicken, it wasn't necessarily of excitement but more so of anxiety. She took a deep breath and nodded her head, accepting his invitation. "Ok, that sounds nice." She said with a smile, trying to hide her skepticism. He smiled. "Alright then! Meet me outside the company arounddd 7pm."

He smiled. "Ok- and would you like to order anything?" She asked. "Nope, im fine." He took out his wallet and pulled out an 100 dollar bill, sliding it onto the counter. "Thanks." He said turning around to walk off. Her eyes widened slightly in confusion.

She picked it up and placed it into their tip jar. Keeping it for herself didn't feel right.

  As Valentine watched him walk away, she felt a mixture of emotions. A part of her was excited for their upcoming dinner, while another part was hesitant. She wasn't sure what to expect from the evening, but she knew that she didn't want to give Jihoon the wrong impression.

  She tried to focus on her work for the rest of the day, but it was hard to shake off the feeling of unease. As she walked out of the cafe at the end of her shift, she couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into.

  When 7pm rolled around, Valentine found herself standing outside of the company, her heart racing. Jihoon was already there, leaning against his car with a casual confidence. She felt a wave of nerves wash over her as he looked her up and down.

"You look so pretty," he said, his eyes sparkling. "Ready to go?"

Before she could reply, he led her to the car and began driving towards the restaurant. Their conversations were light and easy going, but Valentine couldn't shake off the nervous feelings she had gotten.

  As they arrived at the restaurant, Valentine felt a mix of emotions. She was excited to try something new, but she was also nervous about what was to come. They were seated at a small table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, and Jihoon ordered drinks and food for them both.

The meal was adequate, but Valentine couldn't help but feel self-conscious. She knew that Jihoon was obviously interested in her, but she wasn't sure what to do about it. She spent most of the dinner trying to figure out how to politely decline his advances, while also enjoying the company.

As they were walking back to the car after dinner, Jihoon took her hand and pulled her closer. Valentine felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, and she pulled her hand away instinctively. "I'm sorry..I don't know about this..," she said, her voice trembling.

Jihoon looked at her with a mix of shock and anger. "What do you mean you don't know? You led me on all night, just to turn me down now?" He accused. Valentine felt her heart sinking. "What do you mean? I was just trying to be polite," she tried to explain. But he grasped her forearm tighter and pushed her against his car. She let out a small gasp as Jihoon suddenly became more aggressive.
She tried to pull herself away, but he was too strong. She could feel his grip tightening around her wrist, and she started to feel the sense of panic rise within her.  "Let go." She said gazing deep into his eyes.

  She tried to stay calm and reason with him, but he wasn't listening. He leaned in closer, his face inches from hers, his breath warm on her cheek. "What is wrong with you?," he asked rhetorically in a low, threatening voice. Valentine knew that she had to do something quickly. She tried to break free from his grip, but he only pushed her arder onto the car door as he tried to unlock it. She tried to scream but he put his hand onto her face causing her to let out a muffled yell.

As he reached into his pocket for his car keys, she looked around to see if anyone would be there and see them but there was no one.


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