1; Café

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   Valentine was sitting crouched on the floor of the cafe sketching butterflies. It was a very busy work hour so not many people came down for coffee so it was really peaceful. She sat there for about 30 minutes, adjusting her spot a few times before someone walked over to the counter and stood there blanky for a bit before she noticed. She stood up quickly shutting her sketchbook and leaned against the counter. "A-ah how may I assist you?" She asked smiling brightly.
He stood there silent with an unreadable expression. "Just a small, hot Americano." He put his hands in his pocket and stared at her. "Ok..will that be all?" She asked while grabbing a cup. "Well I did say just a hot Americano." He deadpanned. She hummed while making the drink. Slightly pissed off but she chuckled it off and began swiftly making his drink while he stood there and watched. She tossed the expresso shot into the cup along with some hot water. She placed the lid on top quickly and went to hand him the drink.

As she leaned over to counter, the stack of cups fell over, when she tried to grab them with one hand, She dropped the steaming hot drink onto The man. "Oh sh--" She raced over to a napkin dispenser and grabbed a handful of napkin and begin wiping his suit until he grasped her slim wrist tightly.

  "Are you serious?" His eyes narrowed as he pushed her away by the wrist. "I'm so sorry! She bowed multiple times as He stood there with a cold expression. "I'll pay you back for i--" "Don't bother." He interrupted. "It probably costs more than your pay for the next 5 months." He threw off his blazer as tossed it over her shoulder, adjusting his tie before before walking away swiftly.

  "Jaehyun-ssi?" Are you having a wardrobe malfunction? A lady ran over to him, her heels clicking slightly as her brown trench coat swayed in the air, She was wearing a white sheath dress with beige strapped heels, her hair was done neatly and tucked into a gold pin behind her ear, she had light dewy makeup on and she looked effortlessly beautiful.

She placed a hand hesitantly on his arm and looked him up and down. He was still standing there with the same blank expression as she looked at the coffee stains. "Miss Kang could you do me a favor and get me a clean dress shirt please~" He smiled vaguely at her, causing her ears to fade a shade of red. "Yes, I'll be right back sir." She quickly walked away to get it for him.

His face fell back blank as he turned around and glanced at Valentine, who was now a frozen, awkward mess standing behind the counter. "You should probably get back to work instead of staring at me, I could fire you right now you know." He mouthed, stroking the side of his hair slightly. She jumped slightly and turned back to clean the espresso machine, sweat dripping down her face slightly at his words. If she gets fired then her parents would never let it go and pressure her to go to college to be a surgeon.

She had came across Jaehyun a few times at the café but they never talked other than her taking his orders. She never noticed how intimidating he was. He continued glaring her up and down as she worked, cleaning the machines, washing dishes and wiping down the counters. After watching her a while, Iseol came back with new clothes for him.
"Have these cleaned aswell alright?" He placed his folded, stained blazed into her arms. She bowed and exited the building to get the suit cleaned as soon as possible. Jaehyun wasn't normally the type to be patient or waste time at all, and his mother was the boss of the company they worked at so most people just did what he said. He stood on the escalator with his hands in his pockets and headed to his office not sparing her anymore glances.

  Valentine was scrubbing a glass cup when suddenly her head started pounding badly. She didn't wanna stop working and jeopardize her job so she continued washing the dishes and cleaning everything even tho she had started getting lightheaded and naueseous. As she leaned on the counter for a slight break, holding her head and hissing quietly from the pain, her friend Taemin entered the revolving doors and jogged up to the café. Val! Heyy!" He smiled brightly as she went up to the counter pocketing his phone.

She let go of her head and smiled back at him. "Hey Taemin! Hows it going with college?" She asked, tucking away a washcloth that she had used below the sink. "Its kinda hard but im doing well." He smiled. "Hows everything here?" He questioned while looking around. "You know, the usual its pretty chill, until some stuck up Ceo guy comes and threatens to fire you..ha.." She rolled her eyes, pushing her hair behind her ear and chuckling awkwardly.
Taemin's mouth fell slightly open. "Whatttt that's insane, what did you do?" He asked. "All I did was spill..some..burning hot...Americano..." She mumbled, taking a short pause. "On his expensive suit.." She whispered. "Seriously Val? What in the Kdramaa??" He laughed.

"Its not funny Tae I was really scared! Then he told me that it probably costs more than my pay in five months!" She whined. "Oh my God that's hilarious.." He laughed and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. "Anyways, have you eaten?" He asked. "No..my stomach and head hurt soo bad." She pouted jokingly. "Thats probably because you didn't eat idiot, when is your lunch break?" He asked.
  "I don't get one becauseee everyone usually comes down at the same time for coffee and I have to be here." She pursed her lips. "Wahh that sucks."Taemin looked down at the counter, then back at Valentine. "I'll try and bring you something to eat ok?" He smiled. "No no it's ok I'm fine don't worry about it!" She shook her hands refusingly. "Are you sure?" He asked narrowing his eyes. "Positive." Her eye twitched bit.

He sighed. "Well alright, I gotta get back to school soon, text me later when you get home ok?" He said as he held the door handle, looking back at her. She hummed and waved him goodbye before spotting some staff from the company heading her way.

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