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After making sure he didn't fall asleep, which was extremely hard considering how comfortable he was with Sunoo snuggled up in his arms, Sunghoon got out of bed to prepare Sunoo's clothes.

Sunghoon retrieved the suitcase which was where Jungwon had said it was. As well as this, the case already had a few outfits packed which made the whole packing process a whole lot easier for Sunghoon. He just retrieved the red-haired boys swimming trunks and some more summery outfits. He then made sure to gather Sunoo's toiletries and packed it all quickly.

He was done relatively quickly so he decided to just go straight back to bed and wake up when his alarm goes off. He slips back into where he was before, close to Sunoo, admiring the beautiful sleeping boy in front of him until he, himself found his eyes becoming droopy and tired.

There a few hours later, the sound of the ring waking up both Sunoo and Sunghoon immediately.

"Morning birthday boy!" Sunghoon says cheerfully.

"Why is it so early? Let's go back to sleep!" Sunoo says as he wipes his eyes.

"Just come on and get up! It's your birthday and you must make the most of it." Sunghoon says.

"You're so weird. Okay, then... should I get ready or... not?" Sunoo asks, suspicious of what Sunghoon was planning.

"Have some food first. And don't worry about dressing up, just be comfortable. Sweatshirt and joggers." Sunghoon says, making the younger boy follow him to the kitchen where he proceeded to make him breakfast.

He doesn't take long but he makes the most delicious looking pancakes Sunoo had ever seen.

"Boyfriend who can cook. I won." Sunoo says as he takes another bite of his pancakes in awe of the taste.

They ate their pancakes quickly and now both were quite chirpy. The time was now 5:10 am which meant they needed to get to Sunghoons soon.

The pair got ready, putting on their comfy clothes as planned. It was then when Sunoo noticed his suitcase was out, packed.

"Sunghoon? Why is my suitcase packed?" Sunoo asks curiously, excited to hear the older boys answer.

"You'll need it! Cone on let's go to my house, bring it with you! And anything else you'll need (phone, jewellery, charger...)" Sunghoon requests as Sunoo follows.

Sunoo grabs his essentials before getting ready to go to Sunghoons. Just before he can go, Sunoo's mum interrupts the pair who were just about to leave.

"Hi mum! Is everything okay?" Sunoo asks, confused why his mum was up so early.

"Yes, yes! Happy birthday Sunoo. I love you so much. Take this with you, where ever you go. I'll see you soon." She says handing over a gift and kissing him on the head before leaving to sleep again.

"You have to explain as soon as we arrive at your house." Sunoo says to the older boy who just smirks.

The duo walk back to Sunghoons house again hand in hand as usual. Sunoo figured the older boy will never let go of his hand, but he doesn't really mind that.

As they made it to the black-haired boys house, Sunoo automatically sat down on Sunghoons couch. Surprisingly he decided to not question what was going on and instead lay on Sunghoons lap to get some extra sleep.

Whilst Sunoo napped, Sunghoon took it as an opportunity to message Jungwon about everyone else's whereabouts.

jungwon 🐈

hi won, I was just wondering when you and Riki will be arriving?

We are on the way to your house right now, we'll probs get there in 10 minutes!  Is anyone else there yet?

Perfect! Also no?? Im sure it'll be okay...

Ten minutes passed by and Jungwon and Ni-ki had arrived finally. Sunghoon told the pair not to be too noisy since Sunoo was resting and he didn't want anyone to wake up his sleeping beauty of course.

Soon after, Jake and Heeseung had also arrived  followed by Jay with Yunjin and Chaewon soon after.

The group all started packing there luggage in the caravan which was a quick task since they didn't have that much with them. Sunghoon ensured everyone had brought snacks to put in the snack bag and his friends did not disappoint. They were spoilt for choice when it came to all the different snacks.

The time was approaching 5:30 which was the time the group had decided they wanted to leave in order to avoid a big traffic jam in order to arrive to jeju early.

Sunghoon gently woke up Sunoo who wiped his eyes as he noticed all his friends were there.

"AHHH! Oh sorry. Hi everyone?!" Sunoo says, surprised by whatever was going on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNOO!" They all shouted making Sunoo smile extremely brightly.

"Thanks guys, what are you all doing here?" The red haired boy asks, still confused.

"Just trust us okay. Come on Sun, let's go to the caravan!" Sunghoon says taking Sunoo with him and instructing the others to follow.

In the caravan, Jay sat at the front as he was planning on driving and Heeseung sat beside him as the pair had agreed that if Jay wanted a break from driving, heeseung would be the back up.

In the middle of the caravan, there were two couches on either side, with a table in the middle. Sunoo, Sunghoon and Jake were sat together on one side whilst Ni-ki, Jungwon, Yunjin and Chaewon were sat on the other.

The plan for their six hour journey was basically for them to spend part of the journey snoozing which Sunoo and Ni-ki had no problem doing, already falling asleep as soon as they sat down. For the rest of the journey, they were planning on playing games, doing karoke and eating lots of food.

Currently, Sunoo had, as usual, found his way to snuggling up to Sunghoon's chest. Sunghoon engulfed Sunoo into his arms as he started getting tired. Similarly, everyone else was getting quite sleepy, it isn't surprising since they had to wake up so early although Jay found this extremely unfair because he also was very tired. Luckily for him, coffee existed so he knew he'd be able to get through the first part of the journey event if it was the perfect surroundings to sleep.

Sunghoon was now the only one awake along with Jay of course who was playing his music quietly to entertain himself which Sunghoon thought was only fair. He smiled to himself as he saw everyone fast asleep, some were even snoring. It was a cute scene but what was even cuter was the boy who was sleeping rughr on top of him. His precious red headed, pretty and perfect boy who looked beautiful even when sleeping. Sunghoon couldn't help but lay a few wet kisses on his boyfriends head. He loves  him a lot, he really does.

That's all Sunghoon remembers before he too falls asleep.

Hey bffs sorry for updating a little later than usual </3 school just started so I've been quite tired 💔 good news is i finished writing the story so I just have a few uploads left till it's finished :( anyway sunsun r so cute i love them and miss them . THANK U SM 4 READING !!

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