"The boy is my apprentice, Miss Applebee," McCarthy finally spoke, "I am sorry if you were not informed about this. I was told I had to bring him today. Your colleague Mr Blunt, Father McNally and Mr Nelson from the school board visited us last night informing me that I have to send him to school at least two days per week," McCarthy explained in a far sterner voice than was needed. "We agreed on Mondays and Fridays, and they said you would give him work to do for the days in between."

McCarthy paused and when the teacher responded with only a nod, he went on, "I need to be honest with you, Miss Applebee. He'll be tired after a day's work in the shop, I don't expect him to be able to do much homework for you during the week," again he paused and waited for a response that did not come, looking straight at her while John studied the floorboards in front of him, hoping in vain for them to open and swallow him whole. He wished his new classmates even if they were much younger than him and unlikely opponents, weren't privy to all this information about him.

"I see," Miss Applebee eventually said in a disapproving tone and then reached out for the boy's uninjured arm. "I will keep it in mind," she added curtly, as she guided John gently towards an empty seat in the front row while McCarthy made moves to leave, but then turned back to address her once more.

"Miss Applebee, I know your colleague said he's slow, but I've seen no sign of that in the boy. I reckon, he's just not been to school much before," McCarthy informed her with a somewhat softer tone. She nodded, so that McCarthy felt encouraged to go on, "I don't know how to say this other than that I think the boy is not a bad lad but is a bit rough around the edges. Now I remember you as a capable teacher when you taught our Horace, and don't get me wrong I am not expecting him to, but if he gives you any trouble that you can't handle yourself, you have my full support. There'll be no need to be asking your colleague to deal with him. You just send me a note and I will make sure it won't happen again."

John wasn't sure if he was supposed to be glad about McCarthy's statement or not. He had taken an immediate dislike to Blunt who seemed awfully keen to help his female colleague. But Blunt was a teacher and in John's experience, little as it was, they were somewhat more restraint. The teacher in the last school he'd been to, when he was on the farm only ever gave his pupils two or three strokes with the cane, and only for serious stuff, like bullying, or repeat offences despite being warned not to do something again. Blatant disobedience he had called that crime. John never gave that man any reason to punish him. School was a much safer place than the farm. McManus was the same, although John had given him plenty of reason to punish him, especially on their last trip. And then there was the teacher in Salesville who had used his cane a lot quicker on that one day he attended the school there. He'd hit him several times for not paying attention and fidgeting but only gave him just the one stroke and that across the hand. Compared to that, the six with the belt he'd gotten from McCarthy for pushing Horace had felt excessive, although he had a lot worse, both in the orphanage and on the two farms he'd been to.

John had no intention to give his new teacher any trouble. He decided he liked her instantly. Her kind eyes that seemed to smile even when her mouth was not reminded him of Jeremiah, and she strangely reminded him of his mother as well, even though she was of course nothing like his mother. He was wondering if it was her black hair and blue eyes, or maybe her smell that made him think of his ma. He was almost certain he recognised the faint scent of her perfume, although his ma used to douse herself in it when she left the house and by the time she came back it was all but gone and replaced with the smell of cigarettes, sweat and stale beer. The thought of her made him feel sad but then he looked up at Miss Applebee and was reminded of his ma on her good days. She was simply lovely. He was smitten with her and told himself that he could be good, for at least as long until Jeremiah was going to get him back.

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