Chapter 118- Part 3

Start from the beginning

Jin went back to sleep.

Suno sat on the couch and started to feed the baby little by little.

He wiped the saliva off her hands and cheeks.

"Diapers~~", Suno sang as he took the baby to the washroom.

He spread a towel over the counter and laid the baby over it.

Suno removed the diaper the baby was wearing and hummed.

"See, who pooped in here. You stinky baby", Suno scrunched his nose.

The baby let out giggles showing grabby hands.

"Let's clean you~~", he said as he took out wipes,powders and warm water.

He cleaned her and wore her a new diaper.

"Hmm. At least you are not like your Kookie Oppa who would cry after pooping", Suno mumbled and kept everything in place.

"Kitten", Yoongi came in yawning.

"Boss", Suno nodded in acknowledgement.

"Yoongi", the younger boy corrected him.

Suno shook his head refusing to call the boy by his name.

"Breakfast is ready", Suno said.

"You don't have to do it. You are already doing everything, Suno", Yoongi said with concern.

"No. I like doing this", Suno said.

Yoongi patted his back and bent down to his sister.

She smiled at him as his lips curled involuntarily.

"Good morning", he pecked her lips and cheeks.

The baby squealed waving her hands and legs.

Yoongi smiled and caught her legs in one hand and kissed her pink feet.

He picked her up and said to Suno, "let's eat together".

Suno nodded and followed them out.

"Do you like it? Is it warm?", Suno smiled at the baby who was smiling and splashing water.

She was placed in a tiny bathtub with water around her, but it couldn't drown her or something.

He was giving her a bath, while Jin and others were having their breakfast.

Suddenly a loud clash could be heard.

Cries of Jungkook broke out and shouts could be heard.

Suno panicked.

"Wait here for a second baby. I'll be back", He rushed out and locked the door in case if it's a intrusion.

He couldn't risk her safety by bringing her out.

He rushed downstairs to see a broken vase and Jin lifting up Jungkook whose feet had a massive cut while blood was dripping from the wound.

Others remained like a statue not knowing what to do.

"Kookie baby, don't cry",Yoongi cooed to console him, but it was nothing infront of his painful cries.

Suno rushed to get a first aid box.

Jin held Jungkook on his lap, kissing his head while Suno knelt infront of them and treated Jungkook's wound.

Jungkook screams died down into silent cries as he was hugging his hyung.

He was given a pain killer.

"Baby?", Jimin asked out.

Suno froze in his place.

"No! No!", He ran upstairs and opened the door to hear the baby's cries.

She sounded tired.

Suno's tears poured down as he picked up the baby.

The water was cold already.

Only god knew how scared the baby was.

Her skin started to wrinkle from the wetness.

"I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry", he muttered drying her.

The siblings except Jungkook and Hobi, who followed him upstairs, didn't get mad or say anything to him, because they knew Suno meant no harm.

It was not his fault.

He didn't do it intentionally.

What they didn't know that this incident would unlock a fear in the baby.

Suno gave the baby to Jin.

He went out of the room as Yoongi rushed behind him.


"I need some time"

"You are a curse"

"You killed her. You killed my wife!"

"I wish you were never born"

"Look at him. A bad omen"

"We don't want you. We don't want a cursed child"

"I trust you Suno. Guard my daughter"

"You'll be her shadow"

"That's right", Suno mumbled as he wiped his tears.

He went out of his room to the living room where everyone was present.

Jungkook was sleeping soundly.

"Is she fine?", Suno asked as his voice dropped with guilt.

Namjoon shook his head.

"Fever", Hobi muttered.

"I'm sorry", Suno apologied and bowed infront of them.

"It's okay. It's not your fault", Jin said looking at him as the little princess was envoleped with warm blankets.

"It's my fault. I should have been careful. I can't change the past. But I'm willing to change the future. I decided to stay away", Suno said looking straight into Jin's eyes.

Yoongi was about to speak but Suno signalled him to stop.

"Don't worry. I'll not vanish from your life. I will stay with you only until everything is settled down. I'll not come near her. I'll be her shadow, but not be with her. She'll be under my surveillance but not under my care. If it's needed I will interfere. Until then I'll be her shadow", Suno finished.

"Could you stay away from her? For how long?", Yoongi asked.

"I can't but I should. Until.... I'm strong enough to overcome my curse", Suno said with determination and pain.

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