14.0 nuptiae

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chapter is dedicated to DisneyxLovey
means in latin: wedding

    Adjusting to the new ways in Danialla's life was hard. She was still -even six months later- struggling with her mother's loss. Although, living with the Beaver's for a while had helped.

    But that didn't matter that beautiful day, as Peter and meriel were getting married. Danialla was a bridesmaid once again; she was wearing a fancy dress. She wore a golden dress that went just to the floor, and had bare shoulders. It was golden all around the dress. It was as tradition to the High King to have red and gold as their wedding day colors. Luckily, Peter and meriel didn't mind.

    meriel wished for her bridesmaids to have their hair down with a braided headband. So one of the maids was busy helping Danialla to do just that. It was a newer maid from Archenland, as she had fled from her father who was abusing her. As Peter and meriel confirmed, they let the young girl be a maid. Her name was Caka. She was only sixteen years old).

    "Am I doing it too tight, Dana?" she asked when she noticed the girl wince.

    Danialla looked down at how tight the dress was. She shook her head, seeing that she was not going to show her posture in the body shape. She was struggling with her body view. She ate little anymore and she wore tighter dresses. Even though the bridesmaid dress was tight, she still wanted to go through the pain so people wouldn't see her shapes.

    "No, it fits perfectly, Caka. Not too tight. Thank you." Danialla responded. Caka looked at the young girl in the mirror and realised the girl was squinting a little. Caka gently loosened it and tied it. The girl had gone through the same as Danialla.

    Danialla smiled at the girl as the dress was finally tightened, "Thank you."

    "Should I do your hair next, Dana?"

    Danialla nodded, "Yes. I'm sure you know the hairstyle meriel and King Peter wish for?"

    Caka nodded as the two went over to the vanity mirror. Caka pulled Danialla's messy bun out. She started to flow the hair around to get volume.

    "You have beautiful hair, Dana."

    Danialla thanked the girl and they got on with a conversation about the kings and queens. Both enjoyed the conversation as Caka was in the process of a beautiful braided headband. A knock came from the door. Danialla was borrowing one of the guests' rooms just a stair below the royals.

    "Come in!" Danialla called out. Edmund walked in and went over to the bed and fell on top of it.

    Danialla looked at Edmund oddly through the mirror and Caka looked at the Just King. "What is wrong, My Majesty?"

"Peter is driving me insane!" he complained as he put his hands over his eyes. Danialla chuckled. She knew that Peter would be freaking out, meriel was also in her room, getting ready with Susan.

"Is the poor little child annoyed by his big brother?" Danialla stuck her lip out, mocking Edmund horribly.

    Edmund glared at Danialla and saw the girl's chuckle from the mirror. "Where is Susan? I thought the girls were getting ready in here."

    Danialla nodded. "They were, I'm just the last one, I shouldn't be much longer. The girls are up in Su's room."

    Edmund nodded and got up. He walked out of the room with a groan. He didn't want to admit it, but the dress was stunning on the girl from what he had seen. And thanks to Peter and meriel, she was the one that he had to walk down the aisle with. They had the same golden color tie/dress.

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