4.0 retention

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meaning: memories

three years later. . .

"Dani! Wake up won't ya?" Danialla heard Wandlon say. Today was his wedding. She groaned and turned away from him. "Danialla Bridge, come on! You're finally going to have a sister today!"

That shot her awake. Nauvera and Danialla are going to be sister-in-laws today! Danialla looked at Wandlon, who was smiling, glad that he finally got her to get up. Danialla looked down at her nightgown, the plain beige color. Danialla covered herself up a bit. Yes, he's her brother, but Danialla doesn't want him to see her. . . things.

"I'll go to my room and get dressed while you get dressed for the wedding. See you soon," he said, noticing her actions.

"Thanks, Wandlon."

He closed the door behind him and Danialla got up, walking to my wardrobe. Danialla is one of the bridesmaids so Danialla had to wear something fancy. The dress was a light lilac with off the shoulder sleeves. Danialla still hated wearing fancy dresses. Yes, Danialla is sixteen, but that doesn't mean that Danialla can't still wear trousers and a poet shirt.

Danialla took off her nightgown and then struggled to get on the dress. Since Nauvera was a fairy, she wanted a very pretty wedding. She loved fashion. Danialla grew to love her over the years and even though they were different from one another, she was a great friend, and soon to be sister-in-law.

Danialla looked at herself in the mirror and let out a heavy sigh. She was the age that Wandlon started dating Nauvera three years ago. She's still very single. Of course, Danialla didn't have any intention of dating anyone yet. Her long, wavy brown hair went down to the waist while Danialla picked up her brush made of horsehair. Danialla brushed through it, deep in thought.

Peter had started his selection for a wife, it started yesterday. He didn't want to get married so young, even though he was nineteen, he felt like he's still very young. Danialla is still too young to enter, besides Danialla thought of Peter like another elder brother.

Susan was all about boys and finding her soulmate. It didn't bother Danialla as much, she was her best friend of all time. Susan sometimes questioned if her soulmate was in Narnia, or in England.

Edmund, Edmund and Danialla have somehow hated each other worse, but they can be in a room most of the time without causing a fight, but they loved to have food fights. According to Danialla, it was honestly fun to annoy him, so sometimes when Danialla is bored out of her mind, she would annoy him or prank him.

Lucy was growing up. She's already twelve. She is starting to be laid back on fashion unlike what she did when she was nine. She loved to go visit towns and homes around Narnia. You could see it on her face every time she traveled. There's been a few times that Danialla traveled with Lucy to towns nearby.

Al and Valkdik have been in army training for the past seven months. Danialla hadn't seen them since then and she missed them terribly. They wrote as much as they could, of course.

There came a knock on her door, Danialla looked at herself through the mirror, "Come in."

Danialla turned to her door and saw her mum, Kaitlyn. Danialla smiled at her. "Hey, Mum."

"Hey, darling, ready for me to do your hair?"

Danialla nodded. Mum was the hairstylist for the wedding. She knew Danialla would either put her hair in a messy bun, ponytail or keep my hair down. She didn't want that to be in the wedding, so Danialla agreed she could do her hair.

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