11.0 strife

92 3 22

meaning: Latin for war

A few months passed, and it was the beginning of the war. It was a risk, but everyone in the dimension agreed that they needed to get those giants back to their territory. Now, Danialla was hugging her brother, father, Lucy (she talked Peter into letting her go), Al, and Edmund.

When she hugged Al, she whispered in his ear that he better not die. With a promise he wouldn't, he let her go. Going to Susan, Nauvera, her mother, and Koa (they named the baby boy Koa Derek), she stared at them with nervousness. Many Narnian men were going. The only ones were the ones that were underage, and too old.

Danialla went up to her brother, "I love you; please be safe." The young father looked at his sister.

"Love you too, Dani. So very much."

The two siblings embraced each other in a hug. Danialla let go and smiled at her brother, "Derek and Dani, the two half-Telmarines and half-fauns."

He nodded, "Love you so very much, sis." He went to his wife and kissed her. Danialla went to her dad.

"Hey, Pa."

"I'll be fine, just take care of your mother for me while I'm gone," he hugged her.

The girl's tears struggled to keep in, "I promise."

The Narnians then started to leave.

"They'll be alright," Danialla's mother told her, "They'll be alright."

As the soldiers walk off; the women, children, queen, king, elderly, and disabled watched them all walk off. It was almost a year since the giant attack on the others. This denoted that Danialla's seventeenth birthday was in a few weeks.

When the townsnarnians couldn't see them anymore, people started to go back to their normal life, but they were nervous, scared, and worried.


The battle was deadly; there were hundreds of giants, but thousands of Narnians, Archenlanders, Telmarines, Ettinsmoors, and others around fighting. The kings were the ones that lead the war. Since Peter was the oldest of his siblings, he was the one next to Lune and the other kings.

At the start of the war, it seemed to be a fairytale. Just like the Battle of Beruna, though it was worse as it went.

In some shape or form, they got the war to be in Narnia land, so the trees helped too; causing the giants to die faster than just a sword clash. The war has been going on for about five hours now. The non-giants knew that if they took out the 'king' of the giants, they'd agree to go to their land and not go back. Though, they were getting weak and tired.

Edmund was helping the Archenlanders with their catapults, he saw the one that killed Vladik. He was going to get revenge.

"Hey!" he yelled at one of them. The battle was bounteous in screams, blood, yells, and so much more. The soldier looked at him. Edmund pointed at the giant, "TAKE THAT ONE OUT! I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH! KILL HIM!"

The soldiers were confused as to why he was so determined to get that specific one out, but they listened to him; they fired two large rocks at the giant. It fell and was killed. Edmund sighed in relief. He was not ashamed of that.

Derek was out fighting the giants, getting on their backs and slashing their heads. He knew that if his wife, mother, and sister found out about that he'd be in so much trouble. His father was near him, fighting also. They were going to fight until death or go home. They were determined to win.

"Son!" Buckanan yelled for his son. He had seen a giant going over to him and was about to attack Derek.

Derek saw in enough time and ducked, landing the sword. The only thing was that Buckanan didn't see the sword going straight at him as well as he was fighting off another. The large sword sliced through Buckanan's chest. Buckanan stopped and fell to the ground. Derek had seen and shrieked a bloodthirsty no. To both of the Castellanos's, it felt like the world had slowed down.

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