2.0 giudizio

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Chapter 2-guidizio
(meaning in latin; judgement)

   "Good morning to you too, Tarinbella," Danialla said, rolling her eyes. She hadn’t even hardly said a word and she handed Danialla towels to give to King Edmund and King Peter.

   She walked up to the fourth floor and knocked on King Peter's door. He opened his door as he was buttoning his shirt. He smiled widely.

   "Dana! What do you need?" he asked, letting her in his room.

   "Really nothing, but I just was demanded to give you a towel,"Danialla replied, chuckling a little.

   Peter chuckled softly with her. "Well, I've been short on towels, so thank you." He said it was tempting to put on a tie.

   "Do you need help with that?" Danialla looked as the High King was struggling.

   He chuckled and bid "Yes, please." She started doing a tie. "I usually don't wear ties, back where i live, my mum always had to do them."

   "Interesting, and I can't stay here. I have to drop another towel to your brother and go see Susan to help her decide what to wear for tonight," she replied, as she finished his tie.

   "Yeah, of course, well I am going to be late to an early meeting," he stopped, "Come to breakfast with me and my family. I mean my family and I?" 

   She looked at him, smiling. "You don't have to be so proper you know, and I'll ask my mum, sorry but I got to go," she sighed, grabbing one of the towels and left. 

   "See you around," he told her before she closed the door behind her.

   Danialla soon found herself standing in front of King Edmund’s door, she knocked. In the past week, they haven't gotten any better at appreciating each other and being nice to one another, they morally have hated each other worse.

   He opened the door and both of the young teens snarled at what they saw. Although, they do it just to annoy one another.

   "What do you want?" he sneered. He was wearing a plain dress shirt that’s green and beige pants.

   "I came to give you a towel, commanded by the head servant,"Danialla replied, though looking slightly in his dirty room that she’ll have to clean soon.

   "Well give it, Danialla," he said. She hated being called that and he knew it too. But the way he said it made her happy because it's full of hatred and annoyance.

   She threw his towel in his face. "See you around, Pevensie." she snarled, turning away to walk to Susan's room.

   Edmund slammed his door and Danialla smirked, walking oddly. She reached Susan's room and knocked. "Come on in!" a voice from the owner Lucy shouted. Danialla walked in and saw Lucy gilding a green puffy dress and yellow thin dress around the room.

   "Dana! Thank goodness you're here! Now tell me what dress to wear!" Susan said, showing five dresses.

   All of them were beautiful. She smiled releasing three are made by her mum. She scanned through them and imagined what they would look like on Susan. One caught her eye, it would look amazing on Susan, it was purple with purple lilacs and the background white.  It's a little off the shoulders and was puffy. It was perfect for Susan since Susan’s favourite colour was purple and it was her style.

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