3.0 natalis

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Two weeks later. . .

Danialla woke up, and started writing in her journal. She really doesn't have time to write in it anymore, so she's taking the time that she has to write in it.

"Happy birthday, Dani!" She looked up and saw her family. Dad, Mum, and Derek. She sighed in defeat. Oh Aslan, the ball tonight.


She looked back down at the journal. Susan kept the promise to do the mini ball for her. Today is the last day she can wear trousers, so, until the party, she will be wearing trousers. Her mum didn't like that idea, but she let it go since she knew.

"You're finally thirteen years old!" Mum reminded her daughter, the girl nodded sadly.

"I know, Mum."

She noticed her actions. She still was thinking about that dream last month about Edmund's Selection. She led the boys out of the room and came and sat on her daughter's bed.

"What's wrong? I know that you aren't able to do your Tomnarnia things anymore, but you've been this way for a few days." Danialla looked at her with glistening eyes. She didn't want to think about the rules. That was when she looked away really quick and her eyes blinked.

"I had a dream, a weird one too, the night of Susan's party. It felt so. . . weird. I entered into that stupid selection and was called by Edmund up. Then it changed to me and King Edmund on one of the balconies together, and we almost kissed. It was weird, Mum."

She looked at Danialla with confusion in her eyes. She couldn't believe that her daughter could have such a dream already. She couldn't think about how her daughter and King Edmund could ever love one another.

Danialla smirked a little. "You already know I despise the Just King," it was her time to state the obvious. Both of them start chuckling.

"Honey, I think the whole dimension knows that. Things spread all the way to Harlang and even to the Wild Lands of the North," her mother added. A flashback came back to Castellano's ' mother and she smiled faintly. When she and Andrew started courting, the whole dimension of the world knew. It was very rare for a Telmarine and Narnian to fall in love.

"I suppose that they do. I suppose everyone in this whole darn world knows about King Edmund of Narnia and the festy half faun," Danialla added half-sarcastically.

"Esperanza had sent me a letter when she found out. She said that she couldn't believe it. Although she thought it was quite funny. Sadly King Tisroc doesn't know that she sent me a letter. She said she told Prince Adolfo and Princess Aravis about it."

Danialla had never met Princess Aravis or Prince Adolfo. They knew of each other and grew up with each other with letters. Danialla has met Queen Esperanza. Queen Esperanza and Mrs. Castellanos were best friends when Mrs. Castellanos still lived in Calormen and kept in touch before Esperanza became queen.

"Mum!" Danialla groaned and Mrs. Castellanos chuckled at her daughter's expression.

"They actually are coming tonight for the party. Since they couldn't make it for Queen Susan's," she informed her daughter. Danialla smiled gleefully. She had always wanted to meet Prince Adolfo and Princess Aravis.

"Seriously? Even Aravis and Adolfo?!" she asked happily as her mother nodded. "And King Tisroc?"

From everything that Danialla has heard King Tisroc was not the best person in the world. Very selfish and such. Esperanza said that he was not like that until Princess Aravis picked up a sword. Danialla thought it was dumb that he changed after that day.

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