'So Melanie, what did Malfoy say to you during Potions?' Dean asked.

'He called me a-'. I lowered my voice and leaned in towards them. 'Mudblood.' They gasped.

'He didn't.' Jane said shocked, I nodded.

'He did, so I just told him not to call me that ever again or I would wash his foul mouth out with soap.'

The others cracked up in fits of laughter, I joined them realising just funny it sounded, after all not many people stood up to the blonde Slytherin and I think it's about time someone did (even if it earned me a few extra detentions).

'It's a shame you got into trouble, I wish you'd told Snape what you said.' Paisley giggled.

'I don't know, I don't think it's wise to mess with Professor Snape, he's scary.' Neville murmured.

'Oh he's not that scary Neville, besides I hope you get to have another go at Malfoy tomorrow during Defence Against the Dark Arts; Professor Quirrell wouldn't know what to do!' Dean laughed.

It was true; the stuttering Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher wasn't much when it came to frights or discipline despite he's position. You'd think that the teacher of the DADA would be someone who was more like Snape, but instead Quirrell was a quiet man, with a turban wrapped around his head, who wouldn't say boo to anyone.

Anyway after dinner we returned to the Common Room and I swiftly had a bath and got into bed (after getting into my pyjamas first, obviously). We all said goodnight to each other and I soon fell asleep with my fluffy, ginger Tiger at my feet.

The next morning I woke early and performed my usual morning routine of washing my face, brushing my hair, cleaning my teeth and getting dressed, making sure to feed Tiger once I was finished doing all of the above, before making sure that I had all my books for the morning and heading toward the door that lead to the stone steps down into the Common Room. I paused when I heard a noise coming from downstairs and I slowly moved closer to the landing to hear what was being said.

'Hey Harry, what do you think about Mione?' It was Ronald and Harry, but why were they discussing my sister?

'What do you mean?'

'Well, she doesn't seem to be to keen on her sister does she?'

'No, she doesn't.'

'I wonder why........'

'Well it's hardly any of our business Ron, besides I don't think she wants to talk about it.' Harry replied.

'Yeah, but that doesn't mean I won't ask, besides her sister seems nice.'

'Yes, but very shy.'

I decided to take another step when Hermione's cat Crookshanks decided to brush herself up against my leg, purring merrily.

'Go away Crookshanks.' I hissed. If the boys realised she was here then they would know someone was listening to them (probably assume that I was Hermione) is and they would stop talking and I wanted to know what Hermione had told them about me.

'Still maybe we could talk to her and see if she'll tell us about why she and Hermione don't get on.' Harry suggested.

Yeah right like I was ever going to do that, what happened between me and my sister would stay between us and no one else was ever going to find out. I decided to crash their little party and come down to join them so I skipped down the stairs to join them in our awesome red Common Room. However as soon as I was down there with them I became embarrassed especially with what I'd just heard.

'Hey Melanie, how'd you sleep?' Harry asked.

'F-Fine thank you.' I murmured, feeling my face redden.

'Is Hermione still asleep?' Ron inquired.


'Oh ok, want to come down to the Great Hall with us?' Harry asked.

'Um............' I hesitated; these were my sisters friends, not mine, mine were still asleep in the girls dorm. Then again they wee always telling me to try and socialise with others more, so I agreed and we walked out.

'So, Melanie........... Heard Malfoy gave you a rough time yesterday.' Ronald tried to start a conversation.

'He tried, but I won, Dumbledore said he'd be punished soon too.'

'That's if Snape doesn't try to stand up for him.' Ronald added.

'I doubt he'll be able to do anything about it.' I replied. The three of us then fell into an awkward silence as the stairs moved into place and we walked down into the Entrance Hall with several other students.

'At least only two weeks until Hallowe'en.' Ronald smiled.

'What do they even do here for Hallowe'en?' I asked curious. Harry looked at me and shrugged.

'Fred and Gorge said they have a big feast with lots of chocolate and lollies and stuff.' Ronald replied.

I guessed that these people he just mentioned were his brothers, Fred and Gorge Weasley, they're identical twins. Of course I've never met them, but they're pretty well known in Gryffindor for being notorious trouble makers and creators/producers of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. A range of different products going from trick cards all the way to sweets that make you sick. Me personally, I find them rather hilarious, but I've never really voiced my opinion of them.

The subject then changed to our upcoming flying lesson with Madame Hooch after lunch and everyone's eagerness to participate in it, well almost everyone.

'I don't know about this, what if I fall off.' Neville murmured nervously.

'You won't fall off Neville, you just have to make sure to hang on to the broom.' Harry assured him.

'A-Are you sure?'

'Positive.' He nodded. Though I could sense that he wasn't so sure, to be honest neither was anyone else, but Neville seemed to pick up.

Our first class that day was Defence Against the Dark Arts and as usual it was difficult to concentrate or really learn anything from a jittery, stuttering professor such as Professor Quirrell. However when he asked a question I was ready.

'W-Who knows h-how to cure a w-werewolf bite?' He asked, my hand shot straight up. 'Y-Yes, Miss Granger?'

'Any fresh wound caused by a werewolf can be sealed using a mixture of powdered silver and dittany.' I replied.

'W-Well done; f-five points to Gryffindor.' I smiled, it looks like I've started earning back those points Professor Snape took from me. 'N-Now I know t-this isn't part of our t-topic this year, b-but can anyone t-tell me h-how people become werewolves?' This time my hand was joined in the air by Hermione's. The professor looked between us wondering which one to choose, but his eyes finally rested on Hermione and I put my hand down. 'Miss Granger.'

'A human becomes a werewolf when he is bitten by one and contracts a magic illness known as Lycanthropy.' She replied.

'G-Good, ten points to Gryffindor.'

I growled, in a way it was ironic that Hermione answered that question, after all she should know all about dark creatures and how they work.

Ok guys, what do you think Melanie meant? Tell me in the comments and remember to vote please!


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