Chapter 2: Blue's First Mission

Start from the beginning

I had my hat and mask down and just focused in calming my beating heart, I may seem enthusiastic about going on this mission but I was really nervous as hell. I only had a few months of experience and I was getting thrown in the deep ends, it's on me if I die, I just have to hope that I don't.

Rebecca: Blue?

Blue: Y-Yes?

Rebecca: A-Are you okay? You seem tense

Blue: Tense? Nah why would I be? I'm fine.....I'm fine

The others didn't say anything for the rest of the way until we touched down onto the south of France, we were on those fields that no one would really go to since it's isolated from towns and cities. Leon leads the way and uses a device to locate where this CORE is.

I pulled my mask up and equipped my hat as we use the long grass to hide ourselves incase they have people watching us. We tread carefully but for some reason I had a bad feeling.

Jill: Leon, what does the tracker say?

Leon: Well it says that it's....underneath us?

Claire: What?

Blue: Ah Crapbaskets

As if I knew, the floor below us opens up via five holes and we fell through it, we were separated but I can't help but feel amazed at how we were in white blue tubes. They have a secret base underneath the ground?!

That is cool!

Buuuuut like I said, we are separated now, I fall the ground and looked around to see that we were in some sort of base, so this is where Core resides.

Shouldn't they be worried? I mean we know where they are located, then again, they might end up killing us. I'd like to see them try-!

Core Soldier: The last one should've arrived by now, search for him!

Oh snap.

I quickly look around for a hiding place and saw that there was a door, I open it and enter the room, it was dark but perfect for me. I could hear the soldiers talking and wondering where I was, I'm surprised they're not going to search here.

Core Soldier: Dammit, where the hell is he? We restrained the others but can't grab the kid?! Spread out and look for him!

Damn, so they jumped Leon and the others? These guys must be strong, I'll need to find them and Ashley......wait.


Why do I have to be the Main Character?!

(Adam: Oh Blue, you're always the main character)

Who said that?!

(Adam: Shit! Abort! Abort!)

Blue: [Sighs] Guess I have to go and be that guy.

I peak outside the room and saw one soldier there, I take deep breath and crouch, approaching the unaware soldier and kicking him in the back of his leg. He falls to his knees in pain and I throw a ledt hook to the side of his face....knocking him out cold.

Okay how strong am I? He clearly is going to wake up with a concussion or at the Heaven Gates. Either way, I took him out, give me my achievement.


3rd POV

While Blue was moving around the base stealthily, Leon and the others were taken to the centre of the base where the leader of Core was.

They were on their knees and restrained from their wrists with many soldiers on guard but one of the guys stood out, this was the leader and the team couldn't see his face as he was wearing a mask.

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