chapter 2

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Annabeth P.O.V

I walked through the dense woods, my heart fluttering with excitement as I followed the trail Percy had left for me. He had mentioned a surprise, and I couldn't wait to see what he had planned. The sun filtered through the leaves above, casting dancing patterns on the forest floor, adding to the beauty of the day.

As I entered the clearing, my breath caught in my throat, and my happiness turned to shock. There lay Percy on the ground, unmoving, and a pit scorpion scurried away from the scene. "Percy!" I cried out, rushing to his side. "Percy, wake up, please!"

But there was no response. Panic surged through me as tears welled up in my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Not to Percy. Not to us. I cradled his head in my lap, praying for him to open his eyes, to tell me it was all a terrible joke. But he remained still, as if he were merely sleeping.

"No, no, this can't be real," I whispered, my voice shaking with fear and sorrow. "Please, Percy, don't leave me. I need you."

My hands trembled as I tried to assess his condition, but deep down, I knew. I knew he was gone. A broken sob escaped my lips, and I clung to him, unable to accept the truth. How could I continue without him? He was my anchor, my love, my everything.

As I held him close, I became aware of the danger still lurking nearby. The pit scorpion could return at any moment. But right then, I couldn't tear myself away from Percy's side. I had to say my final goodbye.

In a moment of overwhelming grief, I let out a heartrending scream, as if to protest against fate itself. It echoed through the woods, a raw expression of the pain tearing me apart from the inside.

When the echoes faded away, leaving only silence in their wake, I took a shuddering breath. I knew I couldn't stay there forever, but the thought of leaving Percy's side was unbearable. Instead, I lay down beside him, curling up against his chest, seeking any semblance of comfort I could find.

Time seemed to blur as I clung to the memories of our adventures, our laughter, and our love. The world around me faded into insignificance as I focused on the life we had built together. I whispered tender words into the air, words meant only for Percy, as if he could still hear me.

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