chapter 10

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Thaila P.O.V

After we finished eating dinner, Annabeth and Grover hadn't returned yet. The ocean became wilder by the minute. I guess Hades broke the news of Percys fate to the other gods.

About half an hour later, we saw Blackjack fly through the borders. He landed not too far from where I was sitting. The two riders got off, and Annabeth tapped Grovers shoulder lightly, getting his attention. She said something, and he nodded before walking away.

Grover came up to me. "Can you tell the rest to come to the beach? I have to tell you all something." I nodded, and he walked away, probably going to get Nico. Then I walked off too, going to find the seven.

-Time skip-

When we had gathered at the beach, I could tell that everyone was nervous, hoping that there wasnt more bad news this time.

"So Annabeth asked me to tell you this, as she is not comfortable with telling you herself" It was dead quiet. "So shes, um shes pregnant." It stayed silent. I nodded slowly. "Im going for an ultrasound with her tomorrow."

People finally started to comprehend what Grover just said and started talking all at once. I decided to go check up on Annabeth, so I stood up and walked away.

When I reached the Poseidon cabin, I knocked on the door. "Come in," Annabeths tired and sad voice rang out.

I entered and saw her sitting on the bunk bed next to Percys. His body had been moved to the infirmary while Annabeth mentally prepared herself for the funeral.

Annabeth had a framed photo of her and that kelp head in her hands, silent tears streaming down her face. I sat down next to her.

After some time, I asked her, "Do I have to get something to eat?"

"No," she responded. "We already ate with Sally and Paul."


"I should start planning the funeral," she said.

"What about you get some rest now, and you can plan tomorrow?"

She nodded a bit reluctantly and put the photo down. I left her to change and go to bed.

-Time Skip-

The next day, I went to pick Annabeth up, and Argus drove us to the gynecologist's office, where we sat in the waiting room. "Nervous?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. Then there was silence again.

"Chase?" a doctor called. "Thats us," I said. "Okay, come in, you go lay there," she said, pointing to the bed table thing in the middle of the room.

"Um, its not for me, its for her," I said, motioning to my friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She turned to Annabeth. "Like I said, you can lay down."

Annabeth laid down, and the doctor wrote something on her computer before walking over to the machine next to the bed and turning it on.

She put a clear gel on the pad thing of the machine and put it just under Annabeth's belly button, moving it around while looking at the monitor.

After some time, she seemed to have found what she was looking for. "Look," she told us, pointing at a little white silhouette on the screen. "This is your baby."

I looked at Annabeth; she was looking at the screen and smiling.

Then the doctor pointed at a slightly smaller white silhouette. "And this is your other baby."

Annabeths mouth fell open. "Im having twins?" The doctor, Dr. Geneis, I read from her name tag, smiled. "It looks like you do."

Annie looked at me, eyes wide. I gave her a smile. Dr. Geneis then wiped the gel off of Annabeth's abdomen and told us to sit in the chairs across from her desk.

"Okay, I am just going to refer to the bigger embryo as the first one and the smaller embryo as the second one." We nodded.

"So, the first one seems to be perfectly healthy, with a good heartbeat and big enough. The second one is also big enough but has a dangerously low heart rate of 90 beats per minute, which means they only have a 68% chance of surviving."

She let that sink in for a moment before continuing.

"Now the question is, do you want to keep them both and hope for the best, or do we abort the second one to give the first one a bigger chance of survival?"

Annabeth sat there with a conflicted look on her face before looking at me with asking and worried eyes.

I took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, hoping it was at least a little bit reassuring.

"You dont have to decide now; I will give you some time," the gynecologist said.

"So we're going home now?" I asked Annabeth. She didnt seem to hear what I said, but after a few seconds, she blurted out, "I want to keep both of them."

Then she looked up at me, seeming to search for approval. I gave her a smile. "Thats okay, Annie."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Come on, we are going home." She looked back at the doctor. "Are we done?" "Yes, you can go."

I helped Annabeth stand up, and we walked back to the car where Argus was still waiting to take us back to camp.


Hi, I'm late, but I already told you that. My notes were kind of in my hoodie, and then they got washed in the washing machine. Also, Im sorry if Annabeth is a bit out of character; Im having a hard time writing her.

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