Trackstar Antelope Volume 11

Start from the beginning

I can only hope he stays this way. Everything seems really good at the moment, and I don't want anything to change.

Chapter 86: Nine to Go

"Good morning, everyone, the time is 7:34AM. Today's the 24th of August, and a gloomy looking Monday morning, with a forecasted high of 14. It's a bit wet outside this morning, with scattered showers returning in the afternoon, which is good conditions for amphibians and—" SNAP! I turn my alarm radio off, as I slowly open my eyes. A dim, grey light flows through my room, with the clouds covering the rising sun, and I can hear the rain softly falling against the tin roof. It's a nice, peaceful morning and one step closer to Lavalla.

I get up, and have my shower, as per usual. I wonder what life at Berriwan College would be like... I'm sure it would be super weird living at a school. I wonder what the town is like as well. I sometimes see the nice parks and old buildings around on TV, and I hear that Berriwan is also pretty close to the city, which is good. I've never been to a place like Lavalla before, so I have no idea what to expect, other than a small city.

I get out of the shower, dry myself off, get dressed then move out into the kitchen, where I see some scones resting on a plate on the bench. There's a note attached to it.

"Hey buddy. Just nine more days until you head off to Berriwan College, can you believe it? I had a bit of extra time on my hands this morning, so I decided to bake these scones for you. Just remember that you make us proud, and we can't wait to see you race on the 9th of September, with you in the limelight.
Enjoy your day, Love Mum."

How sweet of her, I remember she used to bake scones all the time when I was younger, but I guess this morning was the first time in a while that she was able to really do it. They still feel warm and crisp, which is nice. I grab three, cut them in half, and get a bit of butter and jam out. These taste so good!

I finish up the scones, grab my books for the day, plus my umbrella, and then head out to school, to start my early morning training. I have to rug up warmly, because it's cold, wet and windy outside. I put on my school rugby jumper, and a zip-up jacket. It's all the warm school clothes I have, so I put on my heavy brown coat, which I need to take off before school starts. I wish I didn't have horns, so I could wear a warm hat, like a beanie.

I leave the house and lock the door, and make my way off to school. I make sure to stay away from the roads, to prevent being splashed by other cars and traffic. It's only 8AM; I guess I'm pretty early.

"Oi Jamel. You off to do some training?" I hear Tye call out behind me. Guess he's going to school early too.

"Yeah, I usually do some before school. Are you doing it as well?" I ask him.

"Yeah, he wants a few of us to come in this morning and do some before-school training. It's chilly today, isn't it?" he says. I guess since I've been avoiding Riley lately, I've used Tye as a canine friend. He's really cool and optimistic as if he always knows just what to say to cheer us up.

"I tell ya Jamel, I can't wait for spring to arrive. I hate the cold, being a jackal. We prefer hot and dry climates." Tye adds.

"Me too... at least Whigata has nice and warm springs" I say. I just feel a bit tired this morning; hopefully I can wake up before training. Coach Harris has been a bit competitive lately.

Chapter 87: Pouncing Panthers

"He's usually like this before a big competition like the 'Districts'. I just hope he doesn't work too hard on you, because... well, you know, being an herbivore and all." Tye says. We're in the gym, doing our warmup exercises and stretches. Over the past two weeks, Coach Harris has been even harder on us than he usual, and I mean tough. If anyone is even ten seconds late, or stops to take a quick breather, Coach Harris won't be happy. I remember last week, someone's phone rang halfway through a training session, and they answered it. Coach Harris stomped over to the student in a huff, yelled at whoever was on the phone and made them run extra laps after training.

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