Ch 14: Guess who's back

Start from the beginning

Anthony rolls his eyes back and faints on the couch.

Mina: Oh my.

Coco, Harriet and Glynda: Anthony!!

The kids: Daddy!!

As Anthony's unconscious form lay on the couch, Coco, Harriet, and Glynda rushed to his side, concerned for his well-being. The children crowded around, some curious, some worried, and some still too young to understand what was happening.

Coco: Anthony, wake up!

Harriet: Come on, tall, dark, and handsome, don't leave us hanging!

Glynda: We need you here, Anthony!

Mina watched the scene with a mix of amusement and concern. She hadn't expected Anthony's reaction to be quite this dramatic, but she understood that the news she delivered was likely overwhelming.

Mina: I apologize if this was too much for him to handle at once.

Coco: You think, Mina? Eight more kids? He's probably going to have a heart attack!

Harriet: He's going to need some time to process this.

Glynda: We all will. This is a lot to take in.

Mina: I understand. I'll leave you all to process this news. I'll be staying nearby if you need anything.

As Mina made her exit, Coco, Harriet, and Glynda turned their attention back to the children and Anthony. The kids were still a bit confused, and some were even worried about their father.

Coco: Alright, everyone, let's give Daddy some space. He just needs to rest for a bit.

Harriet: We'll take care of him.

Glynda: And we'll figure everything out together.

The children slowly dispersed, giving Anthony some breathing room, and Coco, Harriet, and Glynda sat down, contemplating the situation they found themselves in.

Coco: Eight more kids... I can't believe it.

Harriet: This is going to be interesting, to say the least.

Glynda: We'll need to adjust, but we're a family, and we'll face this together.

Coco: And with Mina's help, I'm sure we'll be able to manage.

The three women shared a determined look, knowing that they were up for the challenge ahead. As they looked back at Anthony, who was still unconscious but peacefully resting, they felt a mix of emotions—shock, surprise, but also a deep sense of love and commitment to their family.

They knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but they were ready to embrace it. Together, they would navigate the joys and challenges of raising a large family, supporting each other every step of the way.

And so, in the midst of the unexpected news and the uncertainty of the future, the Towson family stood strong, united by love and the bond they shared. And as Anthony slowly stirred awake, he would find comfort in the knowledge that he wasn't facing this new chapter of his life alone. He had Coco, Harriet, Glynda, and their seventeen children by his side, and together, they were ready to embrace whatever the future had in store for them.

A few hours later, Mina comes back with the other kids. And Anthony has a bag of frozen peas on his head.

Mina: As you know, this is Taka and Teka.

Both girls waved.

Mina: And the rest are, Moche, Ino, Tenko, Saya, Mary and Korea.

Anthony double-take at the name.

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