Ch 12: A Break pt 4

Start from the beginning

A few days later, we see David, Sienna, and their kids stand before the World War III memorial site in DC, the gravity of the moment becomes apparent.

The kids were surprised to see so many names on there. And what battles they fought in.

The massive memorial, adorned with countless names and battles, serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made during the war.

Sienna:*softly* It's a lot to take in, isn't it?

David: Yeah, it is. But it's important to remember and honor those who fought and lost their lives during the war. They were brave and selfless, protecting their loved ones and fighting for a better world.

Sienna:*nodding* You're right. It's just... overwhelming. So many lives lost, so many families affected.

David:*placing his hand on Sienna's shoulder* I know. But because of their sacrifice, we have a chance at peace and rebuilding. We owe it to them to make the most of that opportunity.

Ethan:*looking up at the memorial* Papa, did you fight in the war too?

David:*softly* Yes, I did. But I'm here now, and I promise to protect you and your siblings. That's what all those brave troops wanted for their families too.

Sienna:*kneeling down to the kids* Your father is a hero, just like all the other troops whose names are on this memorial. They fought to make the world a safer place for all of us.

Ethan, Emily, Mia and Isabella look at the memorial with a newfound appreciation for their father's role in the war. They hold onto their parents, finding comfort in the presence of their family amid the solemn atmosphere.

Emily:*whispers* Daddy, will there ever be another war?

David:*hugging her close* I hope not, sweetheart. We all hope for a peaceful future. But sometimes, we must remain vigilant and ready to protect what's important.

Sienna:*softly* We'll do our part to ensure a better world for all of you. And we'll never forget the sacrifices made by those whose names are on this memorial.

Mia:*quietly* I want to be strong like you, Mommy and Daddy.

Sienna: And you will be, Mia. You already are. Strength comes from love and the courage to stand up for what's right.

As the family lingers at the memorial, they take a moment to reflect on the past and the importance of peace. The legacy of the soldiers who fought in World War III will always be remembered, and their bravery will continue to inspire future generations to strive for a better world.

Not far off, David spotted a US Marine in their Dress Blues saluting at another memorial site.

Sienna: Say, what's that memorial site, David?

Before he could answer, the Marine turned around to leave. To David's shock he somewhat recognizes the Marine's name.

David:*to the Marine* Are you the young brother of Ryan Cooper?

The Marine stops and looks at David and his family.

The Marine: No, I'm his first born son. Ryan Cooper II.

Sienna put two and two together as realized that memorial site he was saluting to was the 200,000 Marine Alliance Invasion of Iran.

Aka: The 200,000 Marines that were killed by a nuclear bomb detonation in Iran during WW3.

David's heart sank as he realized the significance of the memorial site and the Marine standing before it. He understood the weight of loss and sacrifice that this young Marine, Ryan Cooper II, must carry as the son of one of the fallen heroes.

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