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Hoseok was fine now, progressively forgetting all his shitty past, but things could go wrong at any minute and he would be back to his vulnerable state again.

"FUCK!" Yoongi growled, punching the wall as soon as Hoseok and Taehyung disappeared from his sight. 'Was he mad?' The answer is yes. But he couldn't pinpoint the reason why. Hoseok needed his freedom after all, but why was it hard for Yoongi to let go?.

Picking his keys, Yoongi made his way out of his house, heading to his car, completely oblivious of the new injury he had caused himself when he punched the wall.

In no time, Yoongi was at the bar, taking endless shots of the poisonous drink called vodka.

Yoongi slammed his cup on the counter, signaling to the bartender to give him another shot.

"Bruh, you're completely wasted, I think that's enough for now. The bartender said, refusing to refill Yoongi's cup.

Yoongi glared at the man, "who's paying?"

"Err... you?" The bartender said.

"Good, now, give me what I asked for". Yoongi slurred, extending his shot glass towards the bartender.

"I don't know what might have happened to you Yoongi, but taking this wouldn't solve anything." The bartender said, still refusing to refill his shot glass. "Maybe I should call Seokj-".

"Look Jackson, if you don't want your balls cut off and sent to feed the animals in the zoo, just do as I say". Yoongi growled as he gripped tightly on the bartender's collar, squeezing the air out of him.

Jackson gulped. "O- ok I- I'm s- s- sorry". Jackson stuttered, trying to free himself. Yoongi let go of him, causing him to stagger.

Pouring him another shot, Jackson excused himself, picking his phone and making his way to the changing room.


"Yoongi" a very gentle and familiar voice called from behind him.

Slowly turning around, Yoongi met eyes with Seokjin's worried one, Namjoon standing a few meters behind Seokjin, also having a worried expression on his face.


"I seriously can't believe you broke all the eggs we just bought". Seokjin groaned as he cleaned the mess on the kitchen floor.

"Sorry" Namjoon mumbled, a shy smile on his face as he stood awkwardly at the other end of the kitchen, scratching his nape, watching his boyfriend clean the mess he had made.

There was a few minutes of silence when Seokjin's phone rang. Standing up to pull out the phone from his pocket, he checked the caller I. D. It was an unknown number.

"Who is this?" He said to the phone as son as he picked the call, not bothering to greet the caller.

"Hey..." there was a short pause, "it's Jackson"

Seokjin tensed, "J- Jackson?" He stuttered, the beginning of fear of washing over him, his grip on the phone becoming tighter.

Namjoon grabbed the phone from his boyfriend's hand as soon as he heard the name. "What the fuck do you want? How the fuck did you even get this number". Namjoon growled to the phone. He was getting angry.

"Look, I'm sorry for whatever problem I might have caused those days, but now is not the time for this, Yoongi needs your help".

Seokjin collected the phone back from Namjoon. "W- what's wrong with Yoongi?" He asked, his voice still sounding unstable.

"He's here, drinking himself to stupor, I don't know what happened. I tried stopping him, but he threatened me. Also there are bruises on his hand, he came in here with them.

"Where is he?"

"In my bar, he's been here for hours now"

"Ok, I'll be there soon". Seokjin dropped the call, picking his keys

"I'm coming with you" Namjoon said from behind the elder. He had listened to all of their conversations.

"You don't have to-" Seokjin was saying.

"Like hell, I'm going to leave you to go to that bastards place alone". Namjoon snapped, his voice stern. "I'm coming with you no matter what, I can't risk loosing you, what if Yoongi is not actually there and it's all a set-up again? That bastard is very cunning." Namjoon said, already putting on his shoes.

"Seokjin signed, rolling his eyes. "Fine".


"So... what happened?" Seokjin asked. He was sited next to Yoongi, Namjoon sitting a few seats away from them.

"He doesn't want to be with me anymore". Yoongi mumbled, half drunk.

"Is It Hoseok?"

Yoongi nodded in approval, raising his shot glass up to his mouth. Seokjin stopped him just in time, snatching the shot glass from him.


"You've had enough Yoongi" Seokjin said sternly, pulling the shot glass out of his reach.

Yoongi groaned, slamming his head on the counter "Y'all should leave me alone".

"So what's the matter with you and Hoseok?" Seokjin asked, ignoring what the younger had said.

"Yoongi explained all that had happened the previous day and today. "He wouldn't even look at me". Yoongi groaned, frustrated.

"Seokjin remained silent for a while, studying the half drunk male.

He understood what the frustrated male was going through. Loneliness could drive someone crazy and Yoongi was Just going through that.

Except from Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook who were his close friends, Yoongi didn't have anyone else again. Ever since Seokjin had known Yoongi, he had never been into a relationship. Don't get your hopes high, he was not a virgin, he would usually have one night stands with a male or a female whenever he visited the club.

Yoongi's dark aura scared people away during his college days, not like he cared anyway, they were only trying to hook up with him because of his wealth, no one really loved him. And now that he found someone who didn't care about his wealth or fame, the someone wanted to leave.

Seokjin needed not to be biased. He understood Yoongi's pain, but he also had to view the situation through Hoseok's point, and with the look of things, it was best if Yoongi let go.

Hoseok was still very oblivious, he still needed time to understand peoples feelings towards him. The fact that he knew Yoongi and Taehyung weren't in good terms, but couldn't tell what the reason was was fascinating. Everyone in their friend group knew the reason, except him. Even Jimin who was still finding little trouble communicating with people that wasn't Hoseok or Taehyung knew.

Here you go guys, it's a new week. We meet again next Sunday.

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