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"Hoseok, are you sure about this?" Yoongi asked for the nth time as he scanned the documents the younger had handed to him.

It was kinda like a consent document. Mr Jeon had given it to him earlier that day after Hoseok had told him he wanted to further his education to the university and also live independently while at the university, probably staying at the dom.

There was no problem with Hoseok furthering his educations, but the issue was they weren't sure they wanted him to live alone. Yoongi especially, which led to mr Jeon giving Hoseok some documents to give to his guardian, which definitely was Yoongi.

Hoseok hummed, nodding his head, sitting on the floor opposite the elder, his legs crossed against each other, as he waited eagerly.

Hoseok wanted to be independent. He was tired of being watched over like a kid, he wanted to have his own job. He was tired living under the expenses of someone else.

He was never comfortable from the start, asking Yoongi for something, although, he rarely did that. Yoongi was the one who always brought him things without him asking for it.

Yoongi seemed to have read his thought. "I have no problem with you leaving under my roof Hoseok". Yoongi said. "like I've said countless times, you're never a borden to me, so if you're thinking about that, cut it out".

Hoseok signed heavily, his gaze leaving Yoongi's. He knew he was guilty for that, he couldn't help it.

Scanning through the paper one more time, Yoongi wasn't sure if he could sign it. If he did, that meant Hoseok would leave him... forever. No he couldn't stand that.

Only signing one of the papers which was from the university he was enrolling into, Yoongi handed them back to him.

"You didn't sign this one" Hoseok pointed, looking at the elder, confused.

"Yeah, I-" Now Yoongi realized there was no real reason why he refused to sign it, he just didn't want Hoseok out of his sight. 'Aren't you being selfish?' He thought to himself, "I can't".

"Why?" Hoseok shoulder slummed.

"Because- uuum...". Now Yoongi was thinking of what to say. "You can go for your classes from here". Yoongi finally said. "You don't have to stay alone at the dorms."

Hoseok frowned. "I'm not a kid Yoongi, you don't have to watch over me anymore, I can live alone."

That was the first time Yoongi had heard him call his name without honorifics.

Yoongi chuckled, "that's Hyung for you" he said playfully, trying to change the heated topic. It didn't work.

"No Hyung, don't change the subject, I'm being serious." Hoseok stated, his frown growing.

Yoongi's smile slowly faltered as he looked away from the younger. " I- it's better this way Hoseok" he mumbled edible enough for the younger to hear. "I can watch over you here".

"I don't need to be watched over". Hoseok stated, clearly frustrated. "I'm not a kid anymore. I get it, I had a shitty childhood experience, but it's all over now, I know how things work. Y'all need to stop babying me."

"Hoseok try to underst-" Yoongi was saying.

Hoseok slammed his fist on the table, starling Yoongi. "I just want to be independent for once, why don't y'all understand?" He yelled angrily as he stormed to his room, leaving a startled Yoongi alone with the papers scattered on the table.

The slamming of Hoseok's room door was what he hears next.

Yoongi signed heavily, slumming further into the couch.

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