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SOTC: Change (In the House of Flies) - Deftones

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SOTC: Change (In the House of Flies) - Deftones

TW: mentions of PTSD flashbacks, panic attacks, difficulty eating, and some cute domesticity before i destroy it


The room is still lit with shades of orange, purple, red, and yellow when you stir from your sleep. Rays of a sunrise peek through the transparent curtains of your bedroom, their glow casting onto you. Warmth is all around you.

On top of you, the beige linen sheets are slightly messy, strewn about around the two other occupants of your bed.

Henry is fast asleep to your right, his long eyelashes jutting outward while his fingers twitch every few minutes against the bed, his eyebrows furrowed as small, and soft breaths fall from his lips. To his right, Ellie's facing your direction, her eyebrows also deeply furrowed as she catches a few hours of sleep despite herself. You can't help but reach over and gently caress both Henry and Ellie's cheeks, smiling when they flinch at first, then relax under your touch. You allow yourself to admire them for a minute more before you take a deep breath and sit up from bed, rubbing your eyes.

They're strained from exhaustion, and your entire body feels tired as you sigh into the open air. But despite how badly you want to sleep in more, you know you'll end up staring at the ceiling above you for hours until Henry and Ellie wake up, when you could instead start your morning chores.

"Alright." You sigh, gently moving off the bed, being careful not to disturb the other two in the bed. They both need sleep.

As you stand up and stretch your aching muscles, you hear small pops come from your shoulders and neck. You let out a relieved breath while trudging to the corner of the room where a large, brown doggy bed is tucked in. You crouch down next to the bed as you place your hand down on Jett's dark black fur and gently pet him.

Jett perks up from his sleep, rolling onto his back so you can scratch his belly while his eyes slowly start to roll open. He lets out happy whines at the mere sight of you.

"Good morning." You smile, moving your hand to Jett's favorite spot to get rubbed. "Ready to start the day?"

Jett rolls off his back at your words, looking energetic and excited to help you, despite it being so early in the morning. The rapid wag of his tail gives you your answer, making your smile widen as you move to stand up.

"Good boy." You say before giving him a rub behind the ears.

Jett had gotten extremely bigger as the last year melted into the new one. Even when you returned back to Seattle, he had grown quite a bit, and now it seemed like he'd never stop.

Jett follows you down the stairs to the first floor of your farmhouse, the pads of his feet leaving behind and trailing sound of clip-clops. You round the corner into the kitchen, mentally thanking your past self when you're greeted with an empty sink and no dirty dishes. You're going to be able to start breakfast with no beforehand cleaning.

JUDGMENT. ༒ E. W.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora