"Silver Peak?" Edmond asked back.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. I want to see Ashley. Alastair had her rushed away when everything was going on. She wouldn't have really been too helpful waddling everywhere."

"She is about due any day now with her pup isn't she?" 

"Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if she's already had it."

We sat and watched as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky until our own pups woke up. Edmond got up when someone started knocking at the door. 

"Good morning, your grace," Phil said, bowing low to Edmond as he always did. "I brought up two of the butlers-in-training to assist with getting your luggage to the car. " He looked around the room and sighed. "And clean up."

I smiled at the man as he tsked and motioned for the younger butlers behind him into the room. The shorter of the two looked at Edmond and I with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"Don't stare, pup! That is rude."

"Uncy Phil!" Freddy squealed, running to the proper man, wrapping his little arms around his leg wrinkling the perfectly pressed fabric.

The taller of the two butlers-in-training gasped.

"Small royal pup," Phil said, glancing down at Freddy.

This sent him into a fit of giggles as Phil pretended to ignore him.

"Uncy Phil, guess what?"

"What, small wolf."

Freddy giggled again. "We're going to see our grandwolf and gramwolf!"

"Is that so?"

"Uh huh."

Vicky ran over and held up a flower crown she had made a few days prior with Queen Amelia.

"Uncy Phil?"

"Yes, other small pup?"

"For you."

"Have you two been good pups?" he asked.

They both nodded their heads.

"You have? Both of you?"

They nodded their heads even more vigoursly.

"Well, since you've both been good pups and you're going to be driving for a while, I guess you will need....." he reached into his pockets and pulled out two toy cars. Freddy's was his favorite colors red and blue and Vicky's was her favorite colors pink and purple. "cars to play with."

He bent down and scooped up the pups and touched his forehead to theirs.

"We love you," the said.

"And I love you," he said.

He put them down and watched for a second as the ran off to their room with their new cars.

"You know, Phil," Edmond said, approaching the usually prim and proper man, " I think you're turning into a big softy."

Phil huffed and rolled his eyes. "Indeed. It seems that way."

"Hey, your pants are wrinkled now."

Phil stiffened, bowed, and stalked off down the hall. "I must find Morgan."

I laughed. "He is not having her iron those pant legs."

"Knowing him, yes he is."

"He may be turning into a softy, but he is still Phil."

"Okay, let's get ready and get out of here."

"You take Fred, I take Vicky?"

As Edmond and I shared a nod of determination, we swiftly made our way into the kids' room. The adorable pups, squealing with excitement, awaited their morning transformation. The room was a delightful mess of toys and colors, but there was no time to waste.

With a gentle touch, we skillfully wrangled each pup out of their cozy pajamas and into their chosen outfits for the day. It was quite the comical sight as they resisted leaving their comfort behind, but with laughter and playfulness, we managed to convince them otherwise.

In the midst of the joyful chaos, the room gradually transformed into a scene of readiness. The pups, now all dressed up and eager, seemed just as excited as we were for the day's adventures. Edmond, ever patient and caring, had a way of calming their enthusiasm and ensuring everything was in order.

After dressing the pups and catching our breath, we exchanged amused smiles, appreciating the whirlwind of the morning.

With the pups dressed and content, Edmond and I took a moment to revel in the adorable sight before us. Their excitement was infectious, and it filled us with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for the day ahead. We knew that the journey we were about to embark on would be one filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments.

As we made our way out of the kids' room, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through me. Edmond picked up a backpack filled with all the essentials we needed for our trip, and we exchanged a knowing look, silently acknowledging the adventures that awaited us.

Before heading out to the car, we quickly got ourselves ready, making sure we were dressed comfortably for the day's activities. We double-checked that we had everything we needed, from snacks to entertainment, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey.

With the pups eagerly following us we finally stepped outside into the warm embrace of the sun. 

As we approached the car, I took a moment to soak in the scene—the blue sky above, the chirping of birds in the distance, and the excitement in the air. 

I couldn't wait to see Ashley and to get things done for Harmony.

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