Pt. 11

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The two Fallen Angels smirk at Luffy, the pirate wasn't scared, he didn't feel a great threat from these twos. He was going to make those two be defeated in a few minutes.

''My life? Why are you guys interested in that!?" Asked Luffy.

''We've been getting a lot of weird sensations around you. Almost like it's a treasure begging to be stolen, we don't know if it's sacred gear or something else but it's powerful.'' Said Kalawarner

''Yes, now this is going to belong to us.'' Said Dohnassek.

Luffy just looked pissed and was ready to fight.

''You guys aren't coming near me! I am going to kick your asses!'' Said Luffy

''Oh isn't he cute.'' Asked Kalawarner.

''Well let's make this thing quick.'' Said Dohnassek with a smirk.

The two were getting their weapons ready as Luffy just looked stilt, no rush or anything else.

''By the way what about the other kid? The one with brown hair?" Asked Dohnassek

''Well, Raynare told me that she is taking tomorrow his Sacred Gear. She keeps telling me is the real deal.'' Said Kelawarner.

''I hope she is right.'' Said Dohnassek.

The two fallen angels had their weapons ready and were about to charge, already confident of their win.

''Well kid you looked fun, we might turn you into one of us if things go south but we are taking your sacred gear!'' Said Dohnassek charging with his light spear.

Luffy saw that coming a mile away and dodged with no problem thanks to his haki.

''Did he dodge that?'' Asked Dohnassek in shock, no human ever escaped his attacks.

The old man saw Luffy next to him, the Straw Hat pirate just looking bored if nothing else.

''You got lucky this time, but this one...'' Said Dohnaseek ready to attack again.

However, Luffy just jumped out of the attack, not even damaging a single hair.

''What!'' Said Dohnassek in shock again.

''You are getting slow old man! Let me handle this!'' Scream the female Fallen Angel.

Kalawarner charged toward Luffy with her weapon, she aimed to take off his head but in a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

'Uh?'' Asked her confused.

The two looked around for the straw Hat pirate, only to hear him coming from the back.

''you two are so slow.'' Said Luffy with a cold voice from behind.

'What!'' Said Dohnaseek confused.

Luffy then prepared one of his attacks to end this shit.

''What are...'' Asked Kalawarner confused.

''Gomu Gomu no pistol!'' Scream him hitting the male Fallen Angel in the stomach.


The old fallen angel was launched toward some threes where he pretty much felt a ton of his bones crack.

''What that hell was that?'' Thought Dohnaseek in fear.

The female Fallen Angel saw Luffy with a hateful glare, she wanted to know what was this guy's deal and what kind of power was that.

''What kind of Sacred Gear do you possess?!'' Scream her.

'Sacred Gear? What is that? Is it a new term for Devil Fruit? If so is lame.'' Thought Luffy.

Stawhat with the red haired peerageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora