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The ''leader'' of the pervert trio was happy to see Luffy, to know another person that doesn't see you as a creepy was kind of nice for a while.

Luffy just smile and saw Issei again with those two losers friends of him. He didn't know why Issei hanged out with those guys, but who can he blame on the type of friends you choose.

''Hey there Luffy, are you doing something right now?" Asked Issei.

''Oh no, I finished my shores so I am good now.'' Said Luffy.

As he walked to talk with Issei Matsuda and Motohama stay in front of him.

''What?'' Asked Luffy confused

''Go away! We are not letting anyone else see Issei hot girlfriend.'' Said Matsuda.

''Yes, if there is someone that wish to see her naked is us.'' Said Motohama.

Luffy just rolls his eyes at this. He didn't get why those guys were so weird, he just passed them with no problem.

''Get out of my way.'' Said Luffy passing the two with no trouble.

''Hey!'' Said the two perverts.

''So is everything good with you?" Asked Luffy.

''Yes, everything is great. I even got a girlfriend! Look.'' Said Issei.

The boy show Luffy the picture of the girl that he went out yesterday and it went great, they even kissed and Issei just kept dreaming the whole night about the ''third base''. He was going to her again today.

''Isn't she hot?" Asked Issei.

''What is her name?" Asked Luffy.

''Is Amano Yuuma.'' Said Issei.

The pirate saw the picture and felt something was off. He couldn't tell, but he didn't see Amano as a good person.

'Uh I don't know Issei? I think she is bad news.'' Said Luffy.

''What are you talking about?" Asked Issei.

''What if she is trying to steal your meat? Or the things you like? What if she is not a good person?" Asked Luffy worried.

''Hey man, she is the first girl that talks to me in ages. A bit odd that she asked me out randomly but hey I took that line and went for it. Not all of us can have your luxury to hang out with one of the hottest girls in school with no problem.'' Said Issei a bit jealous.

''Rias, what she is my friend? What is wrong with that?'' Asked Luffy.

The brown-haired boy raised an eyebrow at that. He thought their talk yesterday was luffy being cool and not sharing anything. But Issei started to think that Luffy didn't really care for sex.

''Come on Luffy! You are telling me that you still haven't picked a little thing of her?'' Asked him.

''No, I don't know what are you talking about.'' Said Luffy

''So you don't know what am I saying?" Asked Issei.

''No.'' Said Luffy being honest.

Issei then started to think that Luffy might help him get some hot shots of Rias. He might trick him, but it's just one time.

''Is he asexual? Maybe I can get a shot from this, and I can get closer to this Rias girl. This opportunity is goal.'' Thought Issei.

The Straw Hat pirate just saw the brown-haired kid stupid dreamy face and wonder if he was having the same thing as Aika.

''Are you ok?" Asked Luffy

''Yes, just thinking of some stuff.'' Said Issei.

''Oh ok.'' Said Luffy.

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