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The Straw Hat pirate saw this new girl next to him and he wonder what was her deal. Was she going to attack him or be friendly with him? Girls in this island are so weird. They sleep naked next to you.

''Oh nice to meet you too.''' Said Luffy shaking Aika hand.

''Yes, I wanted to see what this whole buzz was all about.'' Said her with a smirk.

''So why are you here?'' Asked Luffy confused

''I am here to pass these fliers for a friend of mine but knowing that you will be chase once those girls appear I guess I could help you out. Besides you are already making a mess in the school.'' Said Aika

''Oh thanks, this is very kind of you.'' Said Luffy

''Hey this is just an act of generosity.'' Said Aika with a smirk but she had other plans for Luffy.

A few minutes later

The Dojo was clean and looked brand new, thanks to Aika being there and making sure Luffy didn't do anything stupid.

''You are cool Aika, its so clean that I can eat something in this floor. Which I might.'' Said Luffy just thinking of food at the moment.

''So Luffy, tell me what do you think of Kuoh so far?'' Asked Aika

''Well its pretty cool, a bit boring sometimes but I haven't seen the whole place yet.'' Said Luffy.

'You been here for only two days and want to explore thing? You like some adventure don't you?" Asked her.

''Yeah, I love adventures! I can't live without them.'' Said Luffy.

''Interesting, you are more into new stuff than most of the guys here.'' Said Aika with a smirj,

''What do you mean?" Asked Luffy.

''Well most guys in Kuoh like to stay in their bubble and play safe. Maybe they will join a team or two, get girlfriends, but you seen like the kind of guy that does whatever is in your mind. We even have a saying for this type of people.'' Said Aika.

''Like what?" Asked Luffy.

''They say ''people like you are wild''.'' Said Aika with a playful smirk but Luffy didn't get the idea.

''Is this bad?" Asked him.

''Oh I don't know. It depends if you are a ''dangerous'' guy.'' Said Aika with a smirk.

In Aika mind she would imagine Luffy to brag or even hit on her, this was something that a lot of guys would do. However, Luffy just stood there looking at her a bit confused. Much to her shock.

''Is he asexual? There is no way someone like Rias Gremory would have someone hanging out with her all the time and be asexual. I heard that they are cousins, but maybe they are that 'type' of cousin.'' Thought her.

She decided to ask some more questions about Luffy and his 'cousin''.

''So Luffy, what do you think of Rias-senpai?" Asked Aika.

''Oh I think she is pretty cool. She let me stay on her house and her cooks are really good.'' Said Luffy.

''Are you two close?" Asked Aika.

''I am not sure?" Asked Luffy confused.

The girl was a bit confused too, she thought he was in a relationship with Rias already.

''So you are not ''intimate'' with her?" Asked Aika.

''Why would I need to be intimate?' Asked Luffy.

The girl just smile at that, she didn't know if this kid is a good actor or really an asexual.

''You are to pure that is almost adorable.'' Said her.

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