Chapter Twenty-Eight: Execution

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Colin's POV

"What is going on here" Anthony makes his way up to Benedict and me as we just try to put on our best-dumbfounded faces. This whole evening had consisted of ignoring Anthony. Camilla had strictly made us promise that we wouldn't tell him about why this whole event was being planned.

Not that we fully agreed but decided to leave at that until we could figure out what was going on.

"Whatever do you mean, brother" Benedict tried playing it cool swinging his arm around Anthonys' shoulder and leading him to the bar. The room was filled with loud men playing cards and drinking.

"You've both been ignoring me" Anthony stopped Benedict's distraction to confront us both. "I want an answer now"

"Do you know what you need, I believe you need to loosen up a bit. Maybe a drink? So much tension is making you paranoid brother" I also swung my arm against his should continuing with the distraction. I lead him to the bar sitting him down. It was true he was tense with his mistress disappearing it seemed like he was losing it.

Anthony looked at us with doubt but still went on to take a drink that he quickly swallowed down. Benedict and I just turned to each other not knowing how to go about this. We've always confided in each other when problems arose but we knew that we also had to help out Camilla as best we can.


Camilla's POV

I couldn't help but feel anxious watching as the different women sat at tables playing. Loud laughter erupted from different tables as they'd win. A small sense of fear rode up me at the thought that anyone of these women could be the cause of my fear.

It was hard to consider any of these women could do this since I've grown up next to most of them. Not that I ever attempted to befriend them, but still it felt off to think someone would cause me harm in such a way. I might not have been the most pleasant to be around but I'd never disrespect someone. At least not without a reason

"Lovely party, but I do question what the rush for such a wedding" the voice of Miss Cowper brings me out of my thoughts.

"Well I suppose the heart can't wait, but again how'd you know about such a thing" I countered not turning to look at her. Ever since the thing with Friedrich and then with Daphne, I couldn't look at her smug face.

"Maybe not, but at least I've never needed to be replaced" Miss Cowper smugly said, I could practically hear the grin in her voice making me immediately ball my fist at my side. "I do question whether sneaking off is a genetics thing or poor class."

Not wanting to hear anymore I immediately made my way away from my spot and out to the nearest door which thankfully lead to the kitchen. I then make my way to the door leading to the outside opening it wide open and breathing in the fresh air of the night. My anger seemed to seeth inside just getting bigger the more I thought about it. There was nothing I'd wish more than to just hit her. Hit her as hard as I could. Maybe even leave a bruise on her white 'delicate' skin.

I suddenly gasp bringing my hand up to my mouth as I realized all the ugly things I was thinking. I had never been one for violence but it just seemed she triggered me with just a few words. I shake my head not liking this newfound rage.

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