Chapter Twenty Two: Marriage

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"He kept close watch the entire time, Mama." Camilla heard Daphne say while playing at her piano. She also saw how red Mama seemed. Not wanting to be scolded she quietly took steps back. To her luck, Daphne had already spotted her" And I wasn't the only one there, Camilla was there too"

"Camilla Bridgerton" Lady Violet turned to her other child with the same stunt face making the girl stop in her tracks sending a frustrated look to her younger sister but then a sweet smile to her mama. Camilla had no idea Anthony was going to bring Daphne but she had already settled it with Colin to be her escort.

"Both of you listen, a boxing exhibition is no place for any young lady." Lady Violet educated.

"Is it a place for a prince? Was he at today's match, Sisters?" Hyacinth then intervened making Camilla further roll her eyes. She much rather be scolded than have to hear about the prince but that was the only thing Hyacinth was interested in talking about these days.

"He certainly was" Daphne cheerily said, not wanting to keep hearing them, Camilla went to sit behind them picking up her book off the side table off the couch and opening in. In hopes to block them out, she started reading.

She didn't get far seeing as someone new came into the drawing room.

"Mother, Daph" Anthony came in determined.

"Did you truly take your sisters to a boxing match" Lady Violet scolded.

"Your admonishment will have to wait. I have news" Anthony anxiously informed causing a crease in the three Bridgerton he then turned to Daphne "Prince Friedrich has asked for my permission to propose."

Daphne's piano soon stopped playing while Camilla subconsciously closed her book rather loudly. Catching the attention of Mama who didn't seem too pleased.

"So soon?" Daphne questioned.

"Well, why did you tell him?" Lady Violet then turned to Anthony.

"That I know better than to answer for my sister." Anthony proudly said. He had been trying so hard since his last screw up which had once again brought him and Camilla close again thus is why he hadn't rejected lord Wetherby as well. "I have no objections to the man. People speak well of him. Whatever you decide, Daph, you shall have my support."

"I-" For the first time in a while Daphne turned to her older sister, Camilla could suddenly see the fear in her eyes. Just causing a big conflict on the girl's part.

"You need not to decide now. You certainly have not known him long" Lady Violet comforted.

"Let me know when you have an answer, and I shall convey it." Anthony smiled.

Not being able to take it much longer Camilla immediately stood up heading for her bedroom.


"Such lovely books" the voice of Lady Violet started Camilla, she had just been staring at the said books for hours not being able to open them seeing as his words were within them. Words that caused her to question all the bad and pain he had caused in her.

"Yeah, they are" Camilla sighed still just caressing the cover of the books.

"Could they be from someone else?" Mama questioned causing the girl to stiffen. "You don't have to lie to me dearest, I saw it with my own eyes. Any time he walks into a room it's like both of your eyes attach as magnets"


"No.. don't lie to me"

"He hurt me, mama, even if I were to love him. He's marrying my sister" Camilla then raised her voice shocking her as she sharply turned to face her mama who carried a pained expression.

"I don't know what happened between of you, but not everything is as it seems" Mama comforted making her way to her daughter and embracing her for a much-needed hug. "You don't have to go to the ball tonight, but think about it"


And she did.

Camilla had thought about it but nothing could change her mind. So she found herself where she most felt safe.

"Camilla?" Simon questioned, "Shouldn't you be getting ready for a ball?"

"Take me with you" Camilla commanded with fiery in her eyes. Ignoring his questioning gaze.


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