Chapter Fourteen: Swim

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Camilla's whole body seemed to spark up as she saw the beautiful blond at their usual spot. As usual, she placed her horse a few trees away then made her way very secretly, up to the quilt down on the floor. 

Shockingly enough she managed to get closer to the blond than other times. 

Seeking her chance she hastily placed her hands on his shoulders then feeling as the blond seemed to jump up a bit in shock. 

"Finally" Camilla chuckled then placed herself right next to him she turned to the blond seeing Fred's sincere smile placed on his lips. But unlike other times he seemed quite distracted. Just by looking at him, she realized he had something on his mind. "Is everything well?" 

Fred two felt a small comfort realizing how quick the girl had been to realize his distraction. It was something he was hoping to keep at bay but clearly, he wouldn't be able to hide anything from the brunette. He watched as Camilla's eyebrows furrowed as full worry seemed to fill the girl's eyes. 

"It seems my aunt, is insisting I find a wife" Fred let on looking down as he spoke but then looked up to see the girl's reaction. 

"Oh, I see" Camilla tried hiding the small sense of jealousy making its way up to her chest then brushed it off realizing this wasn't about her. "And what is it you want?" 

Fred's eyes widen realizing nobody had ever truly asked what it was he wanted. All his life he had been ordered around, told what it was he should want, and not given a choice. But without realizing it, with Camilla, she was always just interested in him. 

"Love" Fred clearly said looking directly at the girl who seemed to be shocked by the answer. "I don't want to marry for duty but for love" 

Camilla took a moment to think not really knowing what to say. 

"You sound just like Daph" Camilla pointed out while Friedrich questioningly looked at her to explain taking his hint Camilla went on to explain. "She too wishes a love like our mama and papa" 

Fred could see the sad smile making its way on the girl's lips as she talked about her parents. 

"And what is it you want?" Fred returned the question. 

Camilla then turned to look forward not realizing she had no answer. Before it was always simple. She had wished to travel. To be someone without having to marry. To have freedom. But now she didn't know what had changed but she didn't wish to change what she had now. 

"I- I had once wanted to travel, marriage never seemed like an option" Camilla finally revealed not really answering the full question, then turned to the blond. 

Camilla didn't know whether it was her imagination but as she looked at the blond she saw a small hint of disappointment and sadness in his eyes.  But it soon disappeared again turning soft as he stared into her brown eyes. 

"Have you tried talking to her?" Camilla asked. 

"She might be family but being queen is still first to her" Fred clarified sighing in defeat. Camilla noticed how his shoulders seemed to slouch down. Not knowing how to console the blond her eyes shifted around trying to find a way to bring the boy's spirits up, as the first idea popped into her head she immediately made herself up. 

"What are you-" 

Friedrich stopped his words as he realized now that the girl was undressing herself. His gaze immediately turned around away from her.  

"I-" Fred didn't know what to say feeling as heat rose to his cheeks still having the recent memory. 

Before he could come up with something to say he'd heard splashing sounds. 

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