Chapter Twenty: Thank You

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Three days had passed, and the Bridgerton household seemed tense with the two sisters not talking to one another. Camilla was officially engaged and the talk of ton, being that she managed to bring an end to Lord Wetherby's boyish acts.

While usually, lady Violet would take Daphne's side, she'd come to see how Daphne seemed to be wanting to go for someone just for the crown. While at the same suspecting that the person who'd broken her once cheerful child be the same crown. She could see the lack of love for either daughter, even if Lord Wetherby and Camilla seemed to have the best relationship, she could still tell there was no romance. Which caused further concern and confusion to the woman.


"Are you feeling alright my dearest" Lady Violet questions standing in the middle of the two sisters.

"Exceptionally" Daphne answered then made her way in front of them seeking out the people down below.

Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing then turned to watch the two sisters.

While Daphne brought up her fan just so gently fanning herself, Camilla couldn't help but notice how her sister made strong eye contact with a certain blond who was currently next to Miss Cowper. The two then made their way down the staircase, Daphne still holding her gaze.

Camilla tried distracting herself by looking over to where Lord Wetherby could be but she came empty. She then turned to look at Simon who seemed to carry the same pained expression she must have had.

The lower to the staircase they got she noticed the blond making his way to them already waiting at the bottom steps. But this time Daphne made her way right to him.

"Miss Bridgerton, I simply must have your first dance." Camilla heard his voice almost like daggers going right through her. She didn't dare to look over at the two.

"It would be an honor your highness" Daphne responded, bowing down. Then so subtly dropping her fan. Causing both Camilla and Mama to turn over to look at them.

That's when Camilla finally locks eyes with the certain prince. Her heart skipped a beat causing her to curse at herself. For the first time in a while, she'd gotten to get a better glance at the said prince who she now noticed carried dark cycles under his eyes. His hair didn't seem so well kept. And looking into his eyes, Camilla could have sworn she saw deep pain.

"Miss Bridgerton, it'd be my honor to have your first dance" the voice of Simon caused them all to turn over to the dark-skinned man who was now in front of the said girl with his hand out.

Not wanting to get locked back in the trans of a certain blond, Camilla sends a 'thank you' smile over to the man and then places her hand in his. Simon then softly dragged the girl away from the pair before she could see how Prince Friedrich ever so gently went down to pick up Daphne's fan to then just lead them both to the dance floor.

Could it be true
The seasons diamond even more precious and rare a stone than previously thought?

For it now appears this treasure is set to join the likes of the queen ever so cherished Crown Jewels themselves.

Not standing back, the Duke of Hastings seemed to make a comeback than going for the other diamond.

Could the two sisters be switching partners, and where might her recent fiancé be found?

Camilla and the duke both stood back and watched as the two danced gracefully.

"Thank you" Camilla's voice came out rather raspy watching the scene unveil in front of her. Noticing her eyes pool, Simon placed out his hand before then dragging her out to the next room.

Lady Violet couldn't help but notice the two running out of said room looking rather pained. It just pained her even more.

Once away from the crowd of people, Simon made Camilla face him directly. He didn't exactly know what to do just standing there watching as the girl fought back her tears. Without a second thought, his hand made its way to the girl's head pushing her right into his chest.

Taken back by the sudden movement, Camilla stood there shocked but then also embraced him once she realized what he was doing.

And like that, her tears once again dropped down. She felt as Simon placed his head on top of her head as he sighed as well. She tried stopping the more tears she felt coming but it seemed useless seeing as they had a mind of their own. Simon just grabbed onto the girl tighter. Camilla realized he also need this so she too went on wrapping her gloved hands around his waist holding him tight.

They didn't know how long they stood there but once the music came to a stop Camilla broke off their embrace. Then turning to look up at him. She saw how glossy his eyes seemed but unlike her, he didn't let any emotions show.

"I want to be as strong as you" Camilla whispered only for Simon to hear. A small smile came to his lips.

"You are" Simon also whispered then placing a soft kiss on the girl's forehead. "Shall we"

Camilla whipped away the left tears on her cheeks. Once she was settled she nodded plastering s smile on her lips and placing her hand in his. He then leads them away back to the main room.


Queen of Hearts ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now