Chapter Five: Rumors

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Camilla found herself at her sister's bed watching as she threw out the flowers from her callers. She couldn't help but feel saden as her sister seemed to break as she threw out each flower. Mama then made her way into the room looking over to Camilla for an answer which she just shrugged not knowing what to do herself.

"Could I have a moment with your sister?" Lady Violet finally let out. Camilla simply nodded then made her way out the back door for fresh air being met by her two siblings at the swing set and what looked like cigarettes in their hands.

"You don't have room for one more?" Camilla sneaked up on them enjoying as they both jumped up in fear.

"Must you sneak up on us sister? Couldn't you have made some sort of warning?" Benedict questioned.

"What would be the fun in that brother?" Camilla smirked. Benedict went up to hand over his seat to which Camilla placed her hand on his arm placing him back down as she made her way in front of them sitting down on the cool grass.

"I enjoy nature" She complemented feeling the grass in her hands and then turning to Eloise. "Do you not have a spare"

Eloise smiled and then handed over the box of cigarettes she also lit her cigarette and took a puff enjoying as it sinks into her lungs, calming her nerves.

"So what's got you both so frantic?" Camilla finally broke the silence turning to her siblings.

"Suppose I desire something different." Eloise was the first to break the silence. Camilla knew exactly what Eloise meant but it seemed their dear brother want a better clarification.

"How do you mean?"

"Just different." Eloise said before finally going into it in depth " I watch both Camilla and Daphen prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, that I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I am not allowed to have anything else."

"Then I would say... that you're not the only one," Benedict revealed causing the two girls to look over at him cheekily smiling as he did the same.

Silence once again hugged them but this time it was even more refreshing. No words needed to be exchanged as all three siblings understood the meaning of their circumstances.


The next day Camilla had been forced to bite her tongue as she sat with Lord Berbrooke's mother who made awfully crude comments about her sister. She didn't understand how Mama could stand such a woman.

But once she was out of sight Mama seemed to have a whole new expression as she turned to the maids.

"What have you found" Lady Violet turned to them expectantly.

"What's going on?" Daphne questioned making her way to them with Camilla joining in too.

"You could not think I'd ask that woman for tea without a thought for you, could you? The help hears everything, as we all know." Lady Violet explained then turning back to the maid.

"She has heard a good deal" The young lady reassured then revealed her findings. "Lord Berbrooke has a boy by one of his maids that he refused to provide for. Sent the maid and child away to live off scraps."

"Horrible man." Mrs. Wilson added.

"Horrible enough for us to be rid of him, let us pray." Lady Violet commented. Camilla couldn't help but feel pride at her mama's effort to rid Daphne of such a disgusting man.

"He will only deny it" Daphne turned away still very anxious. "and who will believe a group of women over a man's word?"

"Perhaps not sister, but what is to say if the word gets to Lady Whistledown." Camilla cheekily skimmed and then turned to the two ladies. "Do as you must as woman, talk"


And like that, word spread like wildfire.

It has come to this author's attention that the ton is abuzz with a most sordid tale. It is said one cannot judge a book by its cover. But in the case of the numbing Baron Berbrooke, it seems his displeasing appearance is quite an apt metaphor for the state of affairs in his household.

I would not be surprised if Lord Berbrooke were called away to the country on alleged business...

Business which, perhaps, might involve sending some much overdue funds to one former maid and young boy, who we can only hope takes after his mother.


After the scandal with Lord Berbrooke, Camilla's troubles were far from over seeing as yet again she was dragged to another ball, all her complaints being in vain as she was just dressed as if she were a doll and sent off.

Camilla soon found pleasure in watching as a certain dark-skinned man stared at her sister.

"Something troubling you Simon" the girl tempted seeing how long she'll be able to use his name.

"Why would something trouble me" The duke dismissed.

"Well despite this all being a ruse, it seems you might have gotten yourselves in a bit of ditch" Camilla still watched over to see her sister continue to dance watching at how graceful she seemed. Simon quickly turned surprised by the girl's forwardness.

"I never expected to take a liking to your sister" Simon finally let out feeling comfortable with Camilla who seemed to be the one person who'll be truthful.

"That's how she gets you" Camilla couldn't help but giggle out. "I too didn't expect to take a liking to her"

Camilla was then surprised as the man next to her also let out a chuckle.

"Well, I suppose we're on the same boat."

"I suppose we are" Camilla glance up at the Duke both bursting into fits of laughter.


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