Chapter Seven: Spontaneous

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Camilla groaned being woken up by the drapes being pulled back, in coming the strong rays of light. Camilla was usually the last one awake in the Bridgerton household, probably wouldn't be awake if she had something to say about it.

"Where will you be in this lovely morning?" one of her maids asked making her way to the outfits.

"I think I'll be off for a ride," Camilla said sitting up, there was no use in trying to stay in since the maids were strictly ordered to not let her stay in.


With the help of her twin and the help of her maids, she had successfully gotten out of the Bridgerton house and onto her black horse.

Camilla loved riding on their land away from prying eyes, here she could be whoever she wanted to be she didn't have to be a Miss Bridgerton. As she rode faster she couldn't help but love the breeze hitting her face making her brunette locks swing back as her hips moved with the rhythm of the horse.

After a while of pure ecstasy, she soon rode her horse to a secluded river.  Coming off her horse and taking a book out of her saddle and sitting down at the edge just enjoying the sound of the river as it ran to one place. As she attempted to read.

"Shall we keep meeting in these peculiar predicaments" A familiar accent startled Camilla. As she was about to quickly stand up the blond made his way next to her on the grass, he had the same usual attire as before.

"Are you stalking me your... I don't believe I've caught your name" Camilla tried recalling.

"Well Camilla, since I just got your name, you can call me Fred" The Blond smiled.

"Well then, Fred, you still haven't answered my first question" Camilla now sat down her book turning to Fred.

"A true gentleman wouldn't stalk a lady" Fred countered also turning to Camilla who couldn't help but smirk. The blond then turned his attention to the book she placed down, Eaton Stannard Barrett – The Heroine, "Should a lady such as yourself be readying such a book?"

"You've read it before?" Camilla asks amused. The strength of such a woman like Lady Wilkinson had never given Camilla the chance to come across a gentleman who has read said book.

"I actually have one of the originals" Fred revealed in an attempt to impress the young lady in front of him. Which he clearly did as Camilla's eyes widened in admiration. "If you want, I'd let you borrow it"

Camilla had to stop herself from jumping into the blond's arms with the excitement running "Do you really mean it?"

"I give you my word" Fred assured. The strength Camilla was using to hold herself back was weakened when she jumped to hug the blond while it took him as a shock he also returned the embrace enjoying the girl's energy.

"I'm so sorry..." Camilla then pushed away excusing herself and trying to contain her smile.

"No need to apologize I'm just shocked a lady such as yourself would enjoy such a book," Fred remarked.

"Does the wit of Lady Wilkinson intimidate you?" Camilla teased.

"Not at all, I find it quite comfortable when a lady speaks her mind" Fred admitted seeking any reaction from the young lady.

"Well then I can say you are truly not like the gentleman I've met"

"Is that a compliment?" Fred amusingly asked.

"I suppose it is." Camilla couldn't help but smile as she complimented him. She then took notice to the shift of the sun indicating it was further in the afternoon rather than the morning. "Oh my, I must get going"

Camilla hastily stood Fred doing as well with a questing gaze, forgetting her book and going back to reach for it just to have Fred go for it as well. As they both reached for the book their hands crashed into each other making them both look up to stare into each other's eyes.

After what seemed like forever Camilla broke her trans taking the book and heading for her horse that now stood up from its rest.

"Must you always run from me?" Fred questioned.

"Just until you catch me" Camilla couldn't help but flirt then lifting herself onto the horse. Before making her way home she turned over to Fred "Would it be too forward of me to say that I hope to see you tonight at the ball"

"Perhaps, but as you said I'm not like any gentleman you've met" Fred cockily smirked making Camilla's pale cheeks turn a bright red.


"Camilla, have you thought about whom you would like to dance at tonight's ball?" Mama asked as soon as Camilla stepped into the drawing room. She had been met with the whole family relaxing.

"Perhaps I have some idea," Camilla smirked at the thought of meeting a certain blond she then made her way next to Daphne and Benedict.

"What's got you smiling so cheekily sister?" Her twin was the first to notice the girl's unusual gaze.

"Can't a lady just be happy brother" Camilla countered not letting on her cause of happiness.

"Well, the Earl of James was asking about you at White's last night," Anthony informed drawing Camilla back into reality, she hadn't seen the Earl of James since the last ball.

"He's a wonderful match" Mama jumped at the name.

"He is but I see nothing more with him" Camilla revealed making her mama sigh. "Plus I'm still seeking better options"

"Wise girl" Anthony complemented.

"My dear, why ever do you complicate matters so? you and Daphne must simply marry the men who feel like both of your dearest friends." Mama's advice now brings Daphne into this.

"Oh, is that it, Mama?" Camilla then annoyedly asked.

"Well, how very simple indeed!" Daphne also added annoyed as well.

"Yes, quiet" Lady Violet chuckled ironically. Both Daphne and Camilla looked at each other with fearful eyes in each girl. Ever since Daphne has been seen with the Duke, Mama had been persistent on having Daphne wed with him. While Camilla felt bad for having her mama focus on her sister rather than her, occasionally she'd remember Camilla was also to be wedded.


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