Chapter Twenty One: Ring

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Several Days Later

Camilla and Simon both punched the punching bags in front of them, almost in unison. Camilla again found herself in his clothes seeing as she wasn't allowed to wear pants. Something that caused her great hatred but now being here it seemed to all vanish. This had become a common occurrence for the two. Simon had even agreed to teach the young girl how to fight, which she was learning rather quickly.

Little by little both took comfort in one another seeing as the news of Daphne and the Prince was everywhere. Camilla had to hear it even from her siblings who wouldn't shut up about it. But this once again become her safe space, and with the help of Simon, she seemed to be healing quite quickly. Not to say there weren't days where she'd still cry, but they've become less and less.

All her sadness had turned into anger which she found was easier to handle.

"Does those sacks of grain have a German accent, or is it my imagination" The voice of Will catches Camilla off guard, while Simon kept hitting his punching bag, Camilla turned to the pair walking in. Having the three of them as supports systems, she had confided in them about the said prince.

"Remind me, Will, are you participating in a boxing exhibition today, or is it a comedy exhibition?" Simon sarcastically said still punching the bag in front of him.

"I was afraid you had forgotten."

"I have not, although I'm afraid you will have to soldier on without your greatest admirer present this afternoon" Simon comes to a stop, holding the bag in place.

"Alice and Camilla will be present" Will endearingly looks over to Alice before turning to Camilla with a wink. Camilla although from a different race, had become like Will's younger sister.

"I am leaving England" Simon informs still panting from his previous session. Making both Alice and Will stop in their tracks, while Camilla knew he would be leaving, she had no idea he would not show up for Will's fight. "My business has concluded"

"Will's is not" Alice comments before Camilla could say anything in protest.

"This will be the biggest match of my career I am not favored to win it" Will informs.


"Your smart friends know you frequent Wills saloon. Who will wager if you are not present?" Camilla then steps in to protest.

"Surely with the Bridgerton name will come to some balance" Simon turns to Camilla.

"And who will listen to a woman?" Camilla counters.

"How about after the Irishman today, Will, you pummel the piss out of his Grace's self-pity?" Alice adds making Camilla let out soft chuckles.

"I have never asked a favor but I implore you not to miss this match." Will then brings the attention back to him.

"The only thing his grace would like to miss is the chance of seeing the Bridgerton girl on the arm of a prince" Alice then remarks causing a bit of pain on both Simon and Camilla. Alice sends over an Im sorry look to Camilla but stands her ground.

"Perhaps your right" Will laughs.

"Both of you understand we are just here, do you" Simon reproaches.

"Don't pull me in this time, I'm on their side for this one" Camilla informs earning her an annoyed look from Simon. She simply sends him her sweetest smile.

"Point is I'm not nearly as devoted as Lady Whistledown, would like to believe," Simon speaks up.

"The only thing we are devoted to is putting food in our children's mouths. Perhaps you'd like to dig a little deeper today, Your Grace, and help us fatten the match organizers' purses as well as ours." Alice once again puts out. This then brings out a warning glance from Will.

Queen of Hearts ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now